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Health for 60's and Over
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than ever before
despite modern-day aging factors!
4 Simple Ways To Help Keep Alzheimer's Out Of Your Future
Exercise, a good diet, and mental challenges are great for your brain individually. Together? They'll make you unstoppable, at least according to animal studies. Here, ranked from most-research-backed to least, are the things to focus on.
1. Exercise 3 hours a week.
You've experienced it yourself on a mind-clearing walk: Moving your body is really great for your brain, both now and years from now. Majid Fotuhi of NeurExpand recommends keeping your heart rate up for at least 20 minutes at a time. In one study, people who increased their three weekly walks from 10 to 40 minutes expanded their hippocampi by 2% after a year—the equivalent of getting 2 to 4 years younger above the neck. Exercise increases levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein that's essentially fertilizer for the brain.
2. Meditate 10 minutes a day.
Too much cortisol is hippocampal poison. Basic mindful meditation is an effective weapon against it (as is exercise). Fotuhi trains his patients to start with a simple 5-5-5 routine: Sit up straight, close your eyes, and inhale slowly for a count of 5, then exhale for a count of 5. Do this for 5 minutes. Stay with the count and the movement of your breath, even if your mind wanders. Practice this twice a day—or, if you're stressed all the time, 3 or 4 daily.
3. Get 1,500 mg of omega-3s daily.
People who have higher levels of DHA and EPA (found in fatty fish) also have (surprise!) larger hippocampi.
4. Memorize something every day.
Growing your brain might not be as simple as signing up for Lumosity—in fact, Fotuhi and a host of other neurologists find such arbitrary games to be ineffective—but making a habit of memorizing things will tone your hippocampi. Med students whose hippocampi were measured before and after they prepped for the boards substantially expanded their hippocampi after studying. People who learned to juggle (which is essentially memorization of physical movements) showed an increase in gray matter after 3 months. UCLA neurologist Gary Small recommends cross training, too.
"Your brain loves variety," he says, so challenge it whenever you can.
Increased social interaction helps, as does learning a new skill or language.
Never Forget Another Name
When you meet someone new, what are you fixated on? Yourself: What kind of impression you're making, your handshake, if you are making eye contact or have spinach in your teeth. That's why the new acquaintance's name never gets locked in. You can change that. Pick out one or two things about the person—a trait, where they're from (e.g., "Steve with the big beard is from Boston"). To keep his brain firing, neurologist Majid Fotuhi plays this game with himself whenever he lectures in front of a large group. He interacts with the audience and tries to memorize up to 50 names—and usually succeeds. "Now I can't not do this trick when I meet someone one-on-one—I don't even have to try anymore," he says. "My wife, who always used to say she was bad at names, never forgets anymore, either. It makes people feel good, and we're building synapses in the process."
Expanding our Hippocampus yields results against onset of Alzheimers
This should be a standard procedure Worldwide!
A Harvard-trained neurologist Majid Fotuhi has commenced a NeurExpand Brain Center in suburban Washington. He's getting some remarkable results helping people grow their brains—82% of his patients see measurable advances in cognitive function, and most experience an expansion in brain size, he says. There's good reason to believe that this is something we all should want to do.
What drives middle-aged people to clinics like Fotuhi's: those mild to major memory gaps that make us fear we're slowly going crazy. Most of us turn out not to have dementia but, rather, to be stressed out, hormonally affected, or even just paralyzed by fear of forgetting. We do all have shrinking hippocampi, however, and Fotuhi will ferret out the main exacerbating reasons for this before recommending a plan to reverse or slow the problem. Cognitive decline is cognitive decline; it all leads somewhere bad if it can't be reversed, and everyone wins if it can. Take Pascale Meraldi, a landscaper in Baltimore, who thought she was developing early-onset Alzheimer's at 51. "When I would try to speak, I couldn't recall words," she says. "I thought I was losing my mind." Fotuhi's read: She was distractingly busy and deeply stressed—and making toxic her hippocampi with cortisol overload.
The incredible decades-old discovery that underlies his program: While the hippocampi may shrink (and already have for most of Fotuhi's patients), they can also expand quite easily. By now, a raft of research has shown that in response to healthy behaviors, the brain can react like an exercised muscle, growing bigger and stronger, at any age. This is central to Fotuhi's work, since research has established that people with bigger hippocampi tend to have a lower risk of dementia.
"The hippocampus research may not be entirely there yet," says Small, who writes about these issues in his new book, 2 Weeks to a Younger Brain, "but, frankly, I don't want to wait 10 years for the studies. There's enough suggestive evidence to get started now."
In unpublished research, Fotuhi found that the majority of patients who've taken part in NeurExpand's prescribed 3-month program saw measurable gains in hippocampus size and cognitive function. Many had come to him with symptoms of dementia.
"I saw a patient whose sister wanted me to confirm that she was not competent and needed to be put in a nursing home," he says. "She was 69 and forgetful and confused, and was basically watching TV all day every day. After she spent 3 months working with the brain fitness program team, the scans showed that her hippocampi had grown about 8.6%, which amounts to having reversed the age of her brain by about 17 years. Now she has improved so much, she wants to go back to work."
Given my mild forgetfulness, Fotuhi also recommends memory exercises using playing cards (see above). Directly challenging my short-term memory, he promises, will help those baby neurons that my brain produces take hold and mature.
Given time to spread, this could be the way of the future. Cheers to Majid Fotuhi for this wonderful discovery.
Adapted from an article: The Thrilling New Science Of Alzheimer's Prevention That Could Change Everything
The interplay of early-life stress, nutrition, and immune activation
and how this can sometimes relate with cognitive decline issues
Early-life adversity increases the vulnerability to develop psychopathologies and cognitive decline later in life. This association is supported by clinical and preclinical studies. Remarkably, experiences of stress during this sensitive period, in the form of abuse or neglect but also early malnutrition or an early immune challenge elicit very similar long-term effects on brain structure and function. During early-life, both exogenous factors like nutrition and maternal care, as well as endogenous modulators, including stress hormones and mediator of immunological activity affect brain development. The interplay of these key elements and their underlying molecular mechanisms are not fully understood. We discuss how these different key elements of the early-life environment interact and affect one another and suggest that it is a synergistic action of these elements that shapes cognition throughout life. Finally, we consider different intervention studies aiming to prevent these early-life adversity induced consequences. The emerging evidence for the intriguing interplay of stress, nutrition, and immune activity in the early-life programming calls for a more in depth understanding of the interaction of these elements and the underlying mechanisms. This knowledge will help to develop intervention strategies that will converge on a more complete set of changes induced by early-life adversity.
6 Ways to keep your brain healthy and sharp, and also reduce
the risk of Alzheimer's with these scientifically-proven strategies.
Go Mediterranean
Two studies that used dietary questionnaires to assess and quantify adherence to the diet in different populations found that patients who were most adherent to the Mediterranean style diet had a lower incidence of Alzheimer’s, compared with those who did not follow this diet.
Sip smarter
Drink a glass of red wine or purple grape juice with your evening meal. Components in grape skins protect brain cells from the toxic effect of oxidative stress and beta amyloid. 120ml is plenty, do not use long-life concentrates.
Take folic acid supplements
If you don't take a supplement, eat foods high in folate. High levels of homocysteine may be associated with poor cognitive function. Some findings indicate that reducing homocysteine with folic acid may increase cognitive function. This should be in the form of a Vitamin B Complex with a good dose of Folate or including foods on a consistent basis like dark leafy greens, broccoli, peas, beans and lentils, avocados and citrus fruits - make a choice of these daily.
Increase omega-3 fatty acids
In the Framingham study, individuals with the top quartile levels of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) found in fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and tuna, measured at baseline had lower rates of Alzheimer’s over nine years of follow-up. These fish are all rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Atlantic Salmon is a better choice than tuna. Also, if you are considering a Fish Oil supplement, make sure that it is of good quality and a good date. It is advisable to keep the
packet in the fridge (for freshness).
Reach for berries
Berries contain high levels of biologically active components, including a class of compounds called anthocyanosides, which fight memory impairment associated with free radicals and beta-amyloid plaques in the brain. Eat berries each day for maximum benefit. Berries like blueberries, elderberries, raspberries and cranberries
are fine for this purpose and also yield other benefits due to their Xylitol content that activates the glutathione antioxidant system against free radicals and Ellagic Acid that is believed to have a protective role also.It has an Anti-Aging effect on our brain.
Eat more fruits and veggies
A population-based cohort study of 1,836 older Japanese-Americans found that a moderate consumption of home-made fruit and vegetable juices was associated with decreased incidence of Alzheimer’s over seven to nine years of follow-up.
Adapted from Prevention.Com
Sundance Film Festival (2014) - Alive Inside: A Story Of Music & Memory Featurette
Henry comes to life when he hears music from his day over an IPod. His memory, his speech and countenance are transformed. Watch this!
I found this Testimony separately Online by someone whose dad was in a desperately confused state.
All signs of her dad's behavior were discouraging and read what followed.
We got to the living room. My kids had stringed instruments and started to play. They played some songs that I knew he loved and had been singing for more than half a century. Dad immediately perked up. He sang along, he smiled, he showed nostalgic recongnition. He even stood up and started "directing." We sang and sang and sang. He clearly enjoyed it. What was interesting is that he seemed mentally better after we had been singing. When I had arrived, I don't think he knew I was his daugther or even someone he knew. Later he was introducing me to someone as his daughter. I wonder what would happen if my Dad had a lot more singing time each day.
You could try this and find your own personal results!
Study Suggests Emotions Last After Memory Fades
By Alissa Sauer Alzheimer's Research/ Dementia
A famous quote from Maya Angelou states, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
A new study gives evidence to her claim by showing that people who have Alzheimer’s may experience emotions long after a memory has faded. Learn more about this study.
Elevated Emotions Even Without Memory Recall
It’s no surprise that people with Alzheimer’s have trouble recalling memories. It is, after all, the hallmark symptom of the disease. However, a new study has found that events can have a longer term and profound effect on how they feel, even if they do not remember the particular event.
In the study, researchers from the University of Iowa asked 17 adults with probable Alzheimer’s and 17 without the disease to watch film clips that were intended to make them feel sad or happy. They collected real-time emotion ratings at three different points and also gave a memory test after each point. Not surprisingly, the participants with Alzheimer’s had trouble recalling the film clip. Of the participants with Alzheimer’s, four could not remember any single fact about the film and one could not remember seeing a film.
However, all participants reported elevated emotions from the film lasting for more than 30 minutes, long after the memory of the film clip faded.
Long Lasting Emotional Effects and Caregiving
The study’s authors hope that their findings will impact the actions of caregivers and improve the quality of life for people living with Alzheimer’s.
High AGE Levels May Heighten Risk for Alzheimer’s
By Alissa Sauer Alzheimer's Research
It’s no secret that diet plays a crucial role in the development of Alzheimer’s and related dementias. But, did you know that you could effect the onset of Alzheimer’s by the way you prepare your meat? A recent study shows that a certain natural chemical found in fried and barbecued foods may increase the risk of dementia.
The Relationship Between AGE’s and Alzheimer’s
New research published Monday in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that chemicals called “advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs)” can increase the risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia. AGEs are a natural chemical found in our bodies and in some cooked foods. Previous research has determined that a high amount of AGEs can increase one’s risk for diabetes, heart disease, and dementias.
AGEs, Alzheimer’s, and You
It is important to note that all foods contain some level of AGEs, but the chemical is higher in meats. Because the production of AGEs is sped up by heat, cooking food a particularly way can significantly increase the amount of the chemical present in any food. This means that foods cooked on high heat or barbecued, like steak and burgers, have a higher amount of AGEs when compared with raw foods, such as vegetables, fruits, or whole grains.
While research is not conclusive enough to suggest any permanent changes to diet, it is widely accepted that following a Mediterranean diet rich in fruits, vegetables and legumes can reduce the chance of developing Alzheimer’s and related dementias.
Make sure you take a natural Vit D3 Supplement
(some are chemical and will not benefit you)
Try adding fresh powdered Turmeric to your diet
and refrain from a sedentary lifestyle
go for 20-40 minute walks 4-5 times a week.
Also refrain from negative and anxious thoughts
and keep your mind active (engage in an interest)
These things will help.
If you are not underweight, try taking 1 Tbsp of
Virgin Coconut Oil 1 or 2 times daily.
Vitamin B-12 helps maintain healthy nerve cells and red blood cells.
A vitamin B-12 deficiency — most common in older adults and vegetarians — can cause various signs and symptoms, including memory loss. In such cases, vitamin B-12 supplements can help improve memory.
(Mayo Clinic)
A study reveals that vitamins B6, B12, and folic acid, as well as ... Vitamin B Cocktail Already Used for Dementia Prevention in Sweden.
And Two recent studies show that compounds in cinnamon, and vitamins B12, B6, and folate may delay the onset and/or slow progression of the disease.
Vitamin treatment consisting of 0.8 mg folic acid, 20 mg vitamin B6 and 0.5 mg vitamin B12 slowed shrinkage of the whole brain volume over the course of two years
The vitamin treatment also reduced, by as much as seven-fold, the cerebral atrophy in certain brain regions that are particularly vulnerable to damage associated with Alzheimer’s disease. (Joseph Mercola)
Vitamin D deficiency markedly increases the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. It is extremely prevalent among the elderly and is not uncommon in younger adults as well. In addition, vitamin D deficiency is associated with an increased risk of stroke. Therefore, low blood vitamin D concentrations increase the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease through both neurodegenerative and vascular mechanisms.
Lack of mental activity and exercise
in mid-life may be a risk factor for developing Alzheimer’s.
Moderate sugar, salt, and alcohol intake.
Looking for other ways to boost your memory? Get plenty of sleep and avoid excess stress. (Alzheimers Info)
Play strategy games, or try games specifically designed to exercise your brain.
Read and write daily. Especially with non-dominant hand if possible.
Seek new activities and unfamiliar settings, like traveling or a new hobby.
Continue your education by taking a class or learning a new language.
Try doing things with your non-dominant hand. If you’re right-handed, use your left hand to brush your teeth and open doors, or take the first stair with your left leg.
Take up new hobbies. Hobbies involving hand-eye coordination and mental calculation (like sewing, wood-working) are great ways to involve different parts of the brain. Either playing or listening to music can have a positive effect on the brain. (Alzheimers Info)
Also, MELATONIN has been shown to reverse Alzheimer's.
Therapeutic doses are between 10-25mg/night
A few Reports on Niacinamide (Vitamin B3) I read Online
1st Person
My mother started taking Niacinamide 500mg twice daily for Alzheimer's and realized immediate improvement with her memory and cognitive functioning. We could see a dramatic improvement with the first dose, and continued improvement with each successive dose. Over the course of a week or so, she is functioning at close to 100%.
2nd Person
It took just under four months for us to see what seemed to be a full cure, but we started to notice improvement even after a few days.
For example, my mother was able to remember that my father was in the hospital after about three days on niacinamide. She was able to remember how to shower after about a week and a half, but she still forgot where the soap was. She was able to remember where the soap was a few days later.
4th Person
My mother asked me to post another message about what the past few months have been like (since she started on the niacinamide). She said that it was like having windows suddenly flung open, like she could suddenly see things again that had been hidden from her.
5th Person
My father has been taking 325 mg of "no flush" niacin for 4 months.
I, and others, have noticed a lessening of his Alzheimer's/Dementia symptoms. He is less confused. He is sharper. As mentioned in another post, I just got back from a visit with him. We played cards. He played a spelling bee type game with my son. He would not have done these things a few months ago.
Bacopa (Bacopa monnieri) is an aquatic herb that is commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine (the traditional medical system of India) to address neurological and cognitive deficiencies. Studies show that subjects who took bacopa had improved memory function, and the Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database concludes that bacopa is “possibly effective” for aiding in learning and memory improvement. (Dr Andrew Weil)