Natural Health Is Best
How To Protect Yourself And Family
Freedom from Smoke and Dope
They are not good ways to Cope
They are not good ways to Cope
Come, make a Start.
Can't Stop Cigarettes? Don't Despair!
New Routines
Tobacco users aren’t just addicted to smoking or chewing; they’re also habitually addicted to the physical act of using tobacco products. Over time, smoking or chewing becomes a part of your daily routine or coping mechanism. Certain activities, routines or feelings “trigger” the urge to smoke or chew. Triggers can be habitual daily activities, such as a morning cup of coffee or hanging out with a certain group of friends. Triggers can also be feelings and emotions, such as stress or unhappiness. Even certain times of the day can be triggers. Triggers can be a huge barrier to quitting tobacco. In order to quit successfully, you need to first determine what “triggers” you to smoke or dip. With practice, you can overcome your triggers. Eventually, it becomes easier to separate triggers and tobacco, and then finally quit for good. Here are some proven tips to help you identify and beat your triggers:
Step 1 Figure out what your triggers are by keeping a list of when you have the urge to smoke or dip.
Step 2 Make a list of the places where you would normally smoke.
Step 3 Come up with alternate ways you can approach an activity or emotion. Here are some examples.
Routine Can Be as Addictive as Nicotine
- When you’re first trying to quit smoking, wait until you finish your coffee to have a cigarette. Over the next few days, gradually increase the amount of time between finishing your coffee and having a cigarette. Eventually, with enough time between the coffee and the cigarette, you’ll discover that you can drink coffee without smoking.
- Do something else while drinking coffee, such as reading the paper or making a grocery list.
- Change the time or location where you have your coffee.
- When you’re first trying to quit smoking, don’t light up while you drink. Wait to smoke until after you’ve finished your drink. Begin gradually increasing the amount of time between finishing your drink and smoking.
- Choose a smoke-free bar or restaurant for happy hour.
- Try a different drink or switch to nonalcoholic beverages for a short while.
- Engage in another activity to keep your hands busy while drinking, like playing darts or billiards.
- When you’re first trying to quit smoking, don’t smoke directly after a meal. Wait a few minutes and then gradually increase the amount of time between your meal and cigarette.
- Keep your mind and hands busy after a meal: help with the dishes, walk the dog, play cards, check email, etc.
- Brush your teeth or chew gum directly after meals.
- When you’re first trying to quit smoking, don’t light up the moment the key is in the ignition – wait a few minutes. Over time, increase the amount of time between starting the car and smoking.
- Put your cigarettes in your purse or briefcase and then keep that in the back seat or trunk, making your cigarettes difficult to reach.
- Make a playlist for your drive and encourage yourself not to smoke while that playlist is on. Eventually, the ride will be over before you have the chance to light up a cigarette.
- Over time, your body has learned that stress creates the need to smoke or chew. Remember that your body is craving nicotine and is producing its own stress. Having a cigarette or chew is only relieving the stress your body is artificially creating.
- During stressful moments, give yourself five minutes to take deep breadths and think of something calm, other than smoking. By not smoking at the very first sign of stress, you’ll begin to break the connection between stress and smoking.
- Go for a walk instead of smoking.
- Exercise isn’t just good for the body; it’s good for the mind. Exercise increases the production of endorphins, which boost your mood.
- Call a loved one who’s supporting you in quitting and talk through a stressful situation.
- Decrease morning stress by preparing the day before: make lunches ahead of time, prepare the coffeemaker and choose an outfit.
- Avoid places where you would often take smoke breaks.
Friends That Smoke
- Alert your friends – smokers and nonsmokers – of your attempt to quit smoking and ask for their support. You may even help your friends decide to quit as well.
- Arrange to meet up with friends at smoke-free places, such as a friend’s home or a restaurant.
- Make your home a smoke-free zone.
- Call or text a friend or loved one.
- Tackle chores such as laundry, dusting or vacuuming. When you’re done, you will have a clean home and will have defeated a craving.
- Pick up a hobby that keeps your hands busy, like crossword puzzles, knitting or chess.
- Exercise or run errands.
- Play a quick game on your phone or computer.
Other Help Pages
Smoking - Back Pain
You already know smoking is bad for your health, but you might not realize how bad it is for your back. One study followed 1,337 patients over the course of 53 years, finding those who exhibited risk factors associated with plaque buildup in the arteries, including smoking, were much more likely to develop chronic low back pain. A more recent study has linked the two once again, this time by a different mechanism. The study, published in Human Brain Mapping, found smokers were more likely to develop back pain largely because of the way smoking affects the brain.
If your are a smoker, all is not lost. Research published in 2012 reported those who were able to quit the habit reported significantly less pain than participants who continued to smoke. The exact interplay between puffing cigarettes and back pain might be hazy, but it’s hard to deny the link.
By Christine Skopec
A Cause of Heart Disease
Smoking: reduces the availability of oxygen to the body systems.
Hence the heart receives less oxygen than it needs to pump efficiently, and it results in damage to the heart muscle cells.
Replacing the Marijuana Habit
by Rick Neilson
To get rid of a marijuana habit, you have to replace it with a good habit. When you feel the urge to smoke marijuana, you must have a list of back up activities to choose from that will help you get over your marijuana habit. Here are five things I like to do to get my mind off of marijuana.
Things to Replace a Marijuana Habit
Your list may be longer, shorter, or totally different from mine. The point is to know what you’re going to do to cope with the urge. I’m sharing my list just to give you an idea of what your own personalized list can look like:
- Write
Writing helps me clarify my feelings and shut out thoughts other than the thing I’m writing about. Once I’ve written a few paragraphs, even if it’s something the rest of the world will never see, I have a feeling of accomplishment which bolsters my self esteem thereby lessening my urge to smoke.
- Read
Just like writing, reading forces my attention onto one thing and once I get into the thing I’m reading, it’s a true escape.
- Exercise
Exercise is great when my mind is all over the place. One of the things that always made me smoke is that I often find myself thinking about too many things at once, not knowing which thought to follow up on first. When I exercise, I let my mind go wild and after about 30 minutes of exertion, it helps to overcome the compulsion.
- Clean
The organization in one’s home reflects the organization in one’s mind. I have found that coming home to a clean living space makes me feel more calm and peaceful thus reducing the urge to smoke.
- Get Out
Simply sitting in the space where I used to smoke makes me think about getting high. When this happens, I get out of the house. Whether I walk or drive, I might not have any particular idea of where I’m headed. It’s the change of scenery that helps me get my mind off of smoking marijuana.
Smoking Marijuana: The Long Term Effects
Malcom Smith ND gives you a true professional assessment of the effects of Marijuana. You will see the ignorance of certain practitioners who approve of Medical Marijuana. You will be able to judge these issues more clearly!
How To Quit Weed Without Withdrawals Or Sleepless Nights
Natural Marijuana Detox At Home
The active ingredient in marijuana (and the reason you smoke weed) is THC
And THC content, in the weed you smoke, is rising all the time
Weed grown in 2015 is twice as strong as marijuana grown just 10 years ago
It’s crazy, but most people trying to quit weed do nothing to help detoxify
Detox is more important in marijuana than in any other drug…
This is becoming more popular for people quitting weed, because the chemicals in weed have an ability to stay in your body for a long time
Detox designed for marijuana will flush your system of built up toxins, helping you quit weed easily. This can also help stop cravings to smoke weed, created in your body
Sometimes these occur months after you actually stop smoking
When you inhale weed, THC moves quickly from your lungs to your bloodstream to get you stoned, we know this. But from that point on, weed is completely different to any other drug… Why?
Because after getting you high:
Metabolites of marijuana store in the fat cells of your body and stay there for months
Think that makes it harder to quit?
It does.
While still inside your body, marijuana is released slowly back into your bloodstream
This can give you a lack of focus, emotional mood swings, lower energy, headaches, stomach pains, and even sometimes a feeling of still being stoned – even if you haven’t smoked for days!
How To Quit Smoking Weed
A good thing to do is clear your mind through meditation. Those who become good at meditating experience what some call a natural high . He is rich , it is more rewarding and healthier than what you get from smoking weed. It can also be more productive in your life, because you will be able to think clearly.
Another good method on how to quit smoking weed is to find a rewarding hobby . Hobbies will keep you preoccupied to take your mind off smoking weed . Hobbies learning are very productive and will be able to give you lasting satisfaction unlike weed smoke gives temporary . Do something creative like assembling model planes and other vehicles . You can also learn to play musical instruments .
Exercise is the healthiest thing you can do to help you quit smoking weed . You get to release all the frustrations and repressed energy not used to exercise a healthy way. You can also play team sports where you can make new friends that are not weeds. You may be able to meet others who are also trying to stop and help each other overcome their suffering.
Smoking weed requires only far from reality. You have to learn how to quit smoking weed and back to your life . A life that is healthy and productive .
Concerning News Alert!
XRay Affect of Cigarettes
2012 - Cigarette smoke is already loaded with various chemicals that are well-known to cause cancer. It's estimated that the radiation dose from the polonium-210 in cigarettes accounts for several thousand cigarette deaths each year in the USA!
2015 - It is established that together, the toxic and radioactive substances in cigarettes harm smokers. They also harm people exposed to secondhand smoke.
In a person smoking 1 1/2 packs of cigarettes per day, the radiation dose to the bronchial epithelium in areas of bifurcation is 8000 mrem per year -- the equivalent of the dose to the skin from 300 x-ray films of the chest per year. This figure is comparable to total-body exposure to natural background radiation containing 80 mrem per year in someone living in the Boston area.
Thomas H. Winters, M.D.
Joseph R. Di Franza, M.D.
University of Massachusetts Medical Center
In a similar manner, the scientists at Harvard, while acknowledging that the dose to a smoker was high, were quick to recognize that 210Po was only one of a multitude of carcinogenic compounds in cigarettes. For this reason, they were hesitant to cite 210Po as a primary source of lung cancer among cigarette smokers. Based on these considerations, their conclusion was that "we believe 210Po may be an important factor in the initiation of bronchial carcinoma in humans."
Dade W. Moeller, CHP, PhD
Cigarettes are Not Cool
5 ways smoking hurts your heart
What smoking does to your heart
Cigarette smoke contains nicotine and carbon monoxide, both of which affect your heart and blood vessels.
Here’s how:
- Smoking increases blood clotting, which can result in blocked arteries that can lead to heart attack and stroke.
- Smoking increases the risk of abnormal heart rhythms, which may cause sudden death.
- Smoking damages blood vessels and can make them thicken and grow narrower, resulting in a faster heart beat faster and increased blood pressure.
- Smoking can lead to the development of arteriosclerosis (the buildup of plaque along arterial walls).
- Smoking harms the body by raising cholesterol levels.
Strokes Steal 8 Years of Brain Function
A new study from the University of Michigan shows that having a stroke ages a person’s
memory and brain function by almost eight years.
What was the effect of stroke on brain function?
We found that having a stroke meant that our participants’ score on a 27-item test of memory and thinking speed dropped as much as it would have if they had aged 7.9 years.
What is the link between stroke and cognitive decline, and why is this study significant?
Cognitive decline is one of the most feared aspects of aging. It increases older adults’ risk of death, disability and dependent living, and decreases their quality of life.
Stroke is a major and preventable cause of cognitive decline. Our study shows that stroke is associated with significant cognitive decline. By preventing stroke, we can reduce an individual’s risk of cognitive decline, and most strokes can be prevented.
How can we prevent stroke?
Three ways apart from looking after your blood pressure and cholesterol are:
1. Don’t smoke. 2. Always be active, even in old age. 3. Think about adopting a Mediterranean diet
which can reduce the risk of stroke and cognitive decline.
These excerpts are given by Michigan University - Leading the way in some health matters.
Chemicals in tobacco may help trigger serious mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, a study suggests. The research shows smoking can triple the chances of developing psychosis.
Previously, the fact that people with psychotic mental illnesses were more likely to smoke had been put down to non-causal factors such as obtaining relief from distress, or self-medication. But now scientists believe something in tobacco might actually be the trigger – and found that 57 per cent of people tested for a first episode of psychosis were smokers.
News: Even light smoking can cause sudden death in women
If you think just one cigarette a day is harmless, a new study might make you kick the habit for good. The study, published in the American Heart Association Journal, Circulation: Arrhythmia & Electrophysiology, shows that women who smoke anywhere from one to 14 cigarettes a day have nearly two times the risk of sudden cardiac […]
If you think just one cigarette a day is harmless, a new study might make you kick the habit for good.
The study, published in the American Heart Association Journal, Circulation: Arrhythmia & Electrophysiology, shows that women who smoke anywhere from one to 14 cigarettes a day have nearly two times the risk of sudden cardiac death than non-smoking women.
That may be a scary stat, but it gets worse.
“Sudden cardiac death is often the first sign of heart disease among women, so lifestyle changes that reduce that risk are particularly important,” the study’s lead author, Roopinder K. Sandhu, said in a press release.
In other words, you likely won’t know you have heart disease until it’s too late.
Fortunately, there is one way to drastically reduce your risk: Quit smoking.
According to the study, women without heart disease who quit smoking will see an immediate reduction in sudden cardiac death risk. Those who already have heart disease can reduce their risk to that of a non-smoker within 15 years of quitting.
‘Until now, we didn’t know how the quantity and duration of smoking effected the risk among apparently healthy women,’ says Sandhu.
Well, now we do’so before you think having ‘just one’ won’t make a difference, decide whether it’s worth the risk.
What do you think? Will you kick your casual smoking habit after learning how harmful it can be?
-Katharine Watts, Associate Web Editor
Smoking in U.S. declines to all-time low
Researchers say rates could continue to drop if proven strategies like implementing smoke-free laws and increasing the cost of cigarettes continue to expand.
Cigarette smoking is considered the leading preventable cause of disease and death in the United States, killing more than 480,000 Americans each year, according to the CDC. Smoking leads to cancer, and is also a factor in heart and metabolic diseases, which account for 40 percent of tobacco-related deaths, according to the
"Cutting back by a few cigarettes a day rather than quitting completely does not produce significant health benefits,” said Brian King, a senior scientific adviser with the CDC's Office on Smoking and Health. "Smokers who quit before they’re 40 years old can get back almost all of the 10 years of life expectancy smoking takes away."
The longer you leave it the older you get. Especially the way time flies!
After two hours without a cigarette, your heart rate and blood pressure will have decreased to near normal levels. Your peripheral circulation may also improve. The tips of your fingers and toes may start to feel warm. Nicotine withdrawal symptoms usually start about two hours after your last cigarette.
Early withdrawal symptoms can include:
- intense cravings
- anxiety, tension, or frustration
- drowsiness or trouble sleeping
- increased appetite
But look at the Benefits!
24 Hours After You Quit
The heart attack rate for smokers is 70 percent higher than for nonsmokers. But, believe or not, just one full day after quitting smoking, your risk for heart attack will already have begun to drop. While you're not quite out of the wood, you're on your way.
48 Hours After You Quit
It may not be life-threatening, but deadened senses—specifically, smell and taste—are one of the more obvious consequences of smoking. Luckily, after 48 hours without a cigarette, your nerve endings will start to re-grow, and your ability to smell and taste is enhanced (Cleveland Clinic, 2007). In just a little while longer, you'll be better appreciating the finer things in life.
3 Days After You Quit
At this point, the nicotine will be completely out of your body. That can mean that the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal will generally peak around this time. You may experience some physical symptoms such as headaches, nausea, or cramps in addition to some emotional symptoms:
To fight the mental symptoms, reward yourself for not smoking; use the money you would have spent on cigarettes to treat yourself to something nice.
2-3 Weeks After You Quit
After a couple of weeks, you'll be able to exercise and perform physical activities without feeling winded and sick. This is due to a number of regenerative processes that will begin to occur in your body; your circulation will improve, and your lung function will also improve significantly. After two or three weeks without smoking, your lungs may start to feel clear, and you'll start breathing easier
For most smokers, withdrawal symptoms dissipate about two weeks after quitting.
The benefits keep increasing after that and so do your Savings!
Psychologists advice you try several things that can mitigate the dependence:
- Make up a plan. Establish a deadline for smoking. Get rid of ashtrays, matches, and other things that are related with smoking.
- Change your everyday habits. If smoking is associated with a cup of coffee and reading a newspaper, take a break from those habits, in order to avoid thoughts about cigarettes.
- Chew something. Scientists believe that having your mouth occupied with sugarless gum or candy can make you forget about cigarettes.
- Drink water. Drinking water or juice will replace cigarettes in your mouth and will also help you clean your body from toxins.
- Do exercises. You can also swim, jog, or do other physical activities. It will boost your mood, and distract you from thinking about cigarettes.
- Inspire yourself. Write down all complications smoking can cause and put it in your bag or wallet. When you feel you want to puff, read this list and you will feel better.
Reasons Why Smoking Marijuana Is “Bad” For You
20 years of research sheds an unflattering light on weed.
A researcher who studied the adverse effects of cannabis on the human body in 1993, wished to see how things have changed in the last 20 years, after many more studies have been carried out on the topic. Compiling research over two decades, including studies from New Zealand, Germany, and the Netherlands, his findings won’t be pleasing to smokers.
According to Hall, over the past 20 years, research on smoking marijuana has shown that:
- 1 in 10 people who regularly smoke marijuana will develop a dependence
- Driving while high will double the risk of a car crash
- Teenagers who regularly smoke are twice as likely to drop out of school
- Chronic use of cannabis as a teenager and into adulthood increases the likelihood of cognitive impairment (though the exact reason why is unknown)
- Regular smokers have double the risk of developing mental disorder like schizophrenia, especially if there is a family history and they started smoking in adolescence
- Marijuana smokers are more likely to develop chronic bronchitis
- Those who smoke marijuana as a teenager are much more likely to use other/harder illegal drugs
- A strong link exists between smoking weed and the development of cardiovascular diseases in middle-aged adults.
A very depressing mix of findings, especially, if like many of us in Montreal, you’ve been smoking weed since high school. Not all is lost though, as many academics believe many of the aforementioned adverse effects can be cased by many different factors, and not solely due to smoking weed. One example would be the likelihood of doing other drugs. It isn’t the marijuana forcing the person to try other substances, it is the environment and persons (like a drug dealer) you encounter when smoking weed that increase the chances.
Cannabis: the facts
- it makes some people feel faint and/or sick – this is sometimes known as a "whitey"
- it can make you feel sleepy and lethargic
- some people find it affects their memory, making it harder to remember things
- it makes some people feel confused, anxious or paranoid, and some experience panic attacks and hallucinations. These effects are particularly common with stronger forms of cannabis.
- If you use cannabis regularly it can make you demotivated and uninterested in other things going on in your life, such as education or work. Long-term use can affect your ability to learn and to concentrate.
What's in today's weed? Testing the chemicals in marijuana (CBC Marketplace)
What happens to your brain on weed? We tested what's in pot and looked at what makes you high.
Risks associated with cannabis
Recent research has helped us better understand the health risks from using cannabis. We know that:
- Cannabis affects your ability to drive. This is one of the reasons why drug driving, like drink driving, is illegal. One French study found that drivers who had been using cannabis were more than twice as likely to cause a fatal car crash.
- If you smoke it, cannabis can be harmful to your lungs. Like tobacco, it contains cancer-causing chemicals (carcinogens) that increase your risk of lung cancer. It can also make asthma worse, and cause wheezing in people without asthma. If you mix cannabis with tobacco and smoke it, the risks to your lungs are higher.
- Cannabis can harm your mental health. Regular use is associated with an increased risk of developing a psychotic illness, such as schizophrenia. A psychotic illness is one where you experience hallucinations (when you see things that aren’t really there) and delusions (when you believe things that aren’t really true). Your risk of developing a psychotic illness is higher if you start using cannabis in your teens and if you have a family history of mental illness. Cannabis use has also been shown to increase the risk of a relapse in people who have schizophrenia, and could make existing symptoms worse.
- Cannabis may affect your fertility. Research done in animals suggests that cannabis can disrupt sperm production in males and ovulation in females.
- If you are pregnant, cannabis may harm your unborn baby. Research suggests that using cannabis during pregnancy could affect your baby's brain development. Regularly smoking cannabis with tobacco is associated with an increased risk of your baby being born small or premature.
Benefits of Quitting Marijuana
What are the benefits of quitting Marijuana? There are more upsides to quitting weed
than you probably realize.
Reasons to Quit Weed and Succeed:
Save Money. Most chronic pot smokers buy in quantity (the smart ones) and probably spend on average about $10–$20 per day depending on availability and which dealer is answering the phone. Follow my suggestion about saving your weed money for six months, or until you are positive that you have kicked your pot "addiction".
Increased Stamina. Smoking is death on your lungs. No question. If you’re a chronic, then your lung capacity sucks and you probably can’t run two blocks without feeling like you are going to give birth to a lung baby. Pathetic. This is not healthy and lack of exercise is the leading cause of serious health problems of every kind.
Your Loved Ones. I promise you -no family member or close friend wants to see you stumble through life in a cloud of pot smoke*. My habit was very hard for my family to accept. As a result, my relationships suffered. I avoided situation where i knew i could get high. As a result, I missed burying my childhood pet, Heath. I will never forgive myself for that. Heath deserved better from me. Quit weed for your family. They want the best for you.
*For some – the situation is the opposite – family members are encouraging and supporting the pot lifestyle. We cover this on other pages.
Sleep Better. It’s a well known fact that smoking weed before bed interrupts or disrupts your natural sleep cycles. even though you have convinced yourself that you can’t sleep without it, you are actually sabotaging your healthy sleep rhythms every night. After you quit weed, you will get better rest, feel less stressed and have more energy throughout the day. Getting the proper amount of sleep is a key factor in staying healthy, reducing stress, and ultimately living longer.
Anxiety Disorder. It’s a fairly well documented fact that long time weed smokers can suffer severe anxiety disorder after quitting smoking weed. Treatment for anxiety is incredibly difficult and complicated to implement. The longer you wait to quit, the more you increase your chances of becoming an unfortunate statistic. I’ve interviewed people who suffer from post marijuana stress disorders, and I’ve read about many cases.
Uncontrollable Mood Swings. If there’s one truth you should admit to yourself, It’s that your weed habit has made you a moody prick. When you’re high, you’re normal. When you’re not high, you’re much more of an asshole. Get real, you don’t want to be that person. I’ve been that person, and until after I quit weed I couldn’t admit it to myself. It’s the truth for most pot-heads. I’ve known enough people like this, and they all think they’re fine all the time, or attribute violent mood swings to external factors. No way José, you moody bastards.
Social Retard or Recluse. It happens to just about every chronic – you simply cannot handle social situations without getting high. This inevitably leads to avoidance, which eventually leads to a much more reclusive lifestyle. Your social outings become limited to pot friendly places with pot-friendly people, but more often than not you just stay at home by yourself. This happened to me for years. I just stayed home and got high and whittled away the hours tinkering with this and that, or entertaining myself with video games, TV, music and movies. More often than not I was alone. Social situations became scarier and scarier as I fell out of practice and spent more time being selfish.
Wasted Time. What would you do if you could get back all the time you’ve spent trying to track down a gram? I have spent more hours driving around, speed dialing different dealers, and sitting by the phone than I care to remember. Every chronic has the same story. Buying weed isn’t like going to the corner store and getting yourself a six-pack. It’s all about chasing around some distasteful character who has you eating out of the palm of their hand. Unless of course you have a Marijuana Dispensary nearby. If that’s the case you just have to plan around business hours, so you can skip 11 and go to 12.
Pot just isn’t that good most of the time. Admit it. How many times have you smoked really good weed or really good hash. Not that many I’m willing to guess. The truth is, you can’t just get what you want, It’s what they got… which most of the time is kind of low grade weed, or hash that is cut with something horrible that you’d rather not know about. I can think of a few times that I smoked really good pot or hash, but most of the time, it was moderately disappointing. Unless of course you have a Marijuana Dispensary nearby. If that’s the case, skip 12.
I encourage you to try Allen Carr’s Easyway to Stop Smoking,
the world's most effective quit smoking program
by former chain smoker (100 a day)
A simple, drug-free approach is entirely unlike conventional cessation methods which rely on substitution and willpower. Instead, Allen Carr's Easyway understands that while nicotine addiction and withdrawal exist, the real problem when it comes to quitting are the beliefs smokers have: that the cigarette helps them relax, or cope with stress, or that they will be deprived of some tremendous benefit, pleasure or crutch when they quit. We tackle the beliefs and fears that make quitting difficult, enabling smokers to radically change the way they think and feel about smoking, so the desire to smoke is removed. And with no desire to smoke there is simply no need for either nicotine replacements or willpower.
After countless miserable attempts to quit, Allen discovered what every smoker dreams of:
an effective,
immediate and easy way to quit.
The smoker’s dilemma
The answer is conflict. If you try to stop smoking when you still believe that the cigarette provides some pleasure or benefit, then a conflict is created, along with a sense of deprivation. Part of you wants to quit, but part still wants to smoke and so the desire to quit fights with the desire not to. This conflict in turn feeds the universally-held belief that quitting must feel like suffering. These feelings feed off each other and quickly become overwhelming. We are left with a bleak choice: succumb once again to our addiction, or use massive amounts to willpower to
try and fight it.
The Easyway vs will power
The simple truth is that to find it easy to quit, it is essential to remove the desire to smoke. With no desire to smoke, it doesn't take willpower not to.
Read testimonies like these
" Never in my life did I think that my thought process and feelings around smoking could change so quickly.
The illusions of smoking being cool are all gone and I have no desire to smoke."
The first week I quit I felt better about myself.
The second week, I started to really care about myself.
The third week, I felt like I could do anything.
My energy has returned and most importantly, I've regained my dignity!
I did it!!! Stopped smoking and I couldn’t even think about wanting to start again.
What a liberating feeling! Thank you so much!
As you can see, this is Cool.
Smoking cessation is not only good for the body it’s good for the mind with longitudinal studies showing reduced depression, anxiety and stress among those who have broken the habit. While research consistently shows that smokers believe their addiction helps steady their mood, smoking is more likely to cause psychological disturbances in the first place, according to UK researchers.
Their systematic review and meta-analysis of 26 studies shows that the positive effects of smoking cessation are broadly on par with antidepressant treatment for mood and anxiety disorders.
Furthermore, they found smoking cessation is just as beneficial for those with psychiatric disorders as those without.
“Smokers experience irritability, anxiety and depression when they have not smoked for a while and these feelings are reliably relieved by smoking thus creating the perception that smoking has psychological benefits,” they wrote.
The most effective method I have found for my patients over the years has been the Allen Carr method of quitting. Allen Carr has written a number of books on the subject of stopping smoking (available through any good book shop) and his latest book is also available on CD for those that prefer to listen rather than read.
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Secondhand Smoke