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Sunshine is actually Good for You

Come outside and Enjoy some Again

Flowers love sunshine - Have some too

Yes, it's Good for Flowers

and it's Good for You too!


 Let's look at the True Facts. Sunshine has a favorable impact on our mood. We can influence our mood levels for good instead of spending so much time indoors. Those who get fresh air and sunshine are happy generally_ look at the home gardeners!

Excessive living in doors depletes Vitamin D levels that is a hormone needed for energy and muscle strength, making them work efficiently. Vitamin D also increases our Serotonin level

a neurotransmitter that gives us a happy disposition when adequately supplied.

Does Sun Exposure REALLY Damage Our Skin?

Watch the Longevity Now® Conference FREE, for a limited time: explains the real relationship between the sun and our skin and debunks the m...

So sunlight is an essential element for a happy disposition, missing in many people who live sedentary lifestyles or work many hours in high rise buildings etc It also sets the circadian rhythm that is nature's sleep/wake cycle within. When we have sunshine in the morning for instance, we sleep well at night. A sleep chemical is released from our pineal gland

called Melatonin. Yes, sunshine can keep levels of Serotonin and Melatonin from sinking

and making us feel lethargic and listless.

Just like exercise helps us to stay off apathy, sunlight is good for us. There's so much misguided talk about Cancer as there is about Cholesterol. It's only over exposure to

sunshine that can lead to skin cancer in some people we hear so much about.

The Health Education system has gone weigh too far - in their efforts to bring something to our attention, they have over-addressed the issue, causing a kind of mass hysteria

shall I say? to the extent that most people don't avail themselves of much time in the sun any more. Children and all. I think that is so sad.

15 Benefits of Sunshine.pdf

(PDF — 50 KB)

Good News: Natural Health Scientists are now rediscovering and promoting, the good healthy effects of sunshine. They also tell us that our brain will benefit as well from healthy

levels of Vitamin D. Supplement in your diet too.

Proper Exposure: Benefits of Sunlight | Dr. Steve Weston from SunWarrior.Com

Exposure-benefits-of-sunlight/Tanning has become the enemy in our modern world, the scary source of skin cancer. Overexposure can be a problem, but sunlight can bring benefits to us.



Too much noise is not good for our health.....we need some quiet times for peace of mind and physical benefits also.

This video about The Sounds of Silence by Dr. Weston really is a must. I really encourage

all my visitors to watch!

In this day and age, we don't have enough

Sunshine - Fresh Air - Silence

True Facts About Sunshine.pdf

(PDF — 68 KB)

I have a new Website called Natural Mood Levels.Info

I am taking a new direction along the lines of my interest: Brain and Nerve Chemistry.

I think it will be helpful to everyone in this day and age

Pick up some TIPS there! Go to

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