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There's so much fuss and emphasis about Fats and Low Fat Diets

Let me give you some REFRESHING Information.

Your Diet is not balanced without Fat. Neither is your children's.


"YES" Healthy Fats are HAPPY FATS

they help to keep you happy!!!

You need them for your Brain and Nerve CELLS

Homemade Yogurt - Good for You. See the Healthy Fats Page. Good Fats keep you Happy. We can get grouchy on Low Fat Diets. Read more on this website.

Homemade Yogurt is Good for You

Contains good healthy saturated fat with protein and Vit B12,

probiotics for beneficial flora, Cal-Mag-Phos, and benefits to your

immune system. That does not apply to commercial yogurts except the

Plain cultured and Greek yogurts.

Healthy Fats are Good for You. There are health risks with Low Fats and No Fat Diets. Avocados are full of Nutrients!

Avocados are Good for You

Contains good healthy mono-unsaturated fat and a unique profile

of special nutrients and properties for the health of your heart, eyes,

skin and nervous system. They contain Vit ACE, Alpha Lipoic, Co Enzyme Q10,

Glutathionine....a fat splitting enzyme Lipase and more!

Coconut is Good for You

Contains a special unique saturated fat that is very beneficial to your health

in so many ways! This special fat has what is called 'medium chains' not

'long chains' different to other saturated fats. Also contains Anti-Aging

properties, lauric acid that is found in mother's milk and caprylic acid

that protects our Immune System!

Goodness of Olives. Yes, Olives and cold pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil are very good for your health.

Olives are Good for You

Contain good healthy mono-unsaturated fat in abundance (like avocados do)

also an array of beneficial properties including tocopherols (Vit E) flavonoids,

polythenols and anthocyanins that help with inflammation, preventing DNA

damage....they help protect our Cardio-Vascular and Immune

Systems. Highly acclaimed by the Mediterranean people.

Nuts are Great. Yes, almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts have really good fats and nutrients for your health...and weight reduction in moderation.

Nuts are Good for You

A nutrient dense food, high in mono-unsaturated fat. Taken

moderately over time, they will actually help you with cholesterol

and weight loss. There's a lot of misconception about them.

Nuts and Apples contain boron that helps to keep your brain

and body in good health.

Butter is much better for you than margarine, find out why. The cholesterol scare campaign has actually damaged the health of many!

Butter is Good for You

Contains Natural Vit A, D, E and K2 that are lacking in modern diets.

It also contains high levels of CLA that helps your body build

muscle instead of fat. CLA and K2 are only

found in Grass Fed Beef and Butter.

Healthy Fats are Good for this webpage to know things you CAN do....nutritious foods protect you, not polyunsaturates (they are unhealthy). Find the true facts on this website.

Cottage Cheese is Good for You

This nutrient-rich food provides you with significant amounts of protein,

calcium, phosphorus, selenium, riboflavin and vitamin B-12, so it

can be a good choice for dieters. in an "Obesity Research" study reveals that

participants on a 3x healthy dairy serves lost weight twice as fast and

maintained more lean muscle mass than those on the low-dairy diet.

Healthy Atlantic Salmon - rich in Omega 3 and DHA - Good for You. Make sure it is fresh.

Alaska Salmon is Good for You

Dr Joseph Mecola, a leading Health Advocate has 3 Oz (90gram) of

Wild Alaska salmon every other day. Look for the bright red with lean fat content –

these are indications you should check for. This sockeye salmon actually has one of the highest concentrations of Astaxanthin of any food and is rich in Omega 3.

Healthy Fats are Good for You. There are health risks with Low Fats and No Fat Diets. The cholesterole scare campane was very much mistaken. Yes really!

Eggs are Good for You

Highly recommended by nutritionist and health advocate

Adelle Davis.Cholesterol is actually one of the most important nutrients in your body.

It's in the outer layer of every cell. It is vital for growth in infants and adults alike.

And necessary for the production of many hormones.

They contain Choline and Vit D for your brain; Lutein and Zeaxanthin for your eyes

and well balanced Protein. Choose FREE RANGE!


Your Body needs it! You can only replenish it by adding Healthy Fats

to your Diet. If you don't, your body stresses out and makes up the

wrong type of Cholesterol (LDL). You should keep this in check

by having some good Saturated-Fats in addition to Mono-unsaturates.

Tip: Exercise helps to convert LDL to HDL but you should only exercise

to the point of exhileration and not to exertion....and you should not

be dependent on exercise for your HDL but rather replenish it

with a good healthy happy-fats diet.

No Fats or Low Fat Diets can lead to exhaustion, frayed nerves

and cranky kids....they should be on a Natural Diet and

live like normal kids, so together, you enjoy those years.

Low Fats....No Fat Diets are Very Unnatural. Choose wisely.







Margarines and Soft Spreads are so Hazardous to our Misleading!!!!!!! Find out the True Facts revealed by all True Nutritionists and Health Care Advisers!

Is this what you want to Ingest?

The Truth about Marg and Butter

## Read these excerpts from an excellent article by Joanna Blythman

for Daily Mail in the UK in 2013

At last, the truth: Butter is GOOD for you - and margarine is chemical gunk

We have been conned into believing margarine was better for us than butter

The scientific evidence is totally at odds with decades of official advice

The profit-grabbing manufacturers have never been prepared to admit

Like my grandmother before me, I have never had a tub of margarine in the house. Perhaps thanks to her, my gut instinct has always told me that butter is better for you.

Not only does butter taste incomparably better, it's a natural product that human beings have been eating and cooking with for centuries without ­damaging their health.

Why swap it for margarine, a highly synthetic and unpleasant-tasting concoction laced with additives and cheap, low-grade oils refined on an industrial scale?

The truth: Evidence shows butter is better for you than margarine despite decades of advice to the contrary

Especially, if I tell you that without colorings margarine isn't yellow at all, but actually an appetite-crushing shade of sludgy grey.

If my preference for butter began with instinct, in the past few years it's been supported by a growing body of scientific research that not only indicates that there is absolutely no reason to stop eating ­butter, but also leads to one inescapable conclusion: that decades of government health advice, particularly in regard to heart disease, cholesterol levels and the consumption of fats and oils, have been plain wrong.

It's so wrong, in fact, that I believe the health establishment now owes us an apology.

We have been conned into believing that margarine was better for us than butter. The nation's morning toast has been ruined for decades by kind-hearted women thinking they were doing the best for their ­husbands and children by switching from butter to marge.

Confronted with such a bleak, butter-free future, there will be many who will have wondered whether life was even worth living.

That is why the latest news from scientists working in the U.S. will have been greeted with loud cheers at breakfast tables all over Britain — and, at mine, by a vehement 'I told you so!'

For, having reanalysed a study originally carried out in the late Sixties and early Seventies, the scientists have confirmed what many of us have believed to be the truth for years.

Margarine isn't better for you than butter. In fact, margarine is ­actually more damaging to your health than butter.

The scientific evidence is compelling and totally at odds with decades of official advice that we should all be cutting down on our consumption of animal fats.

Butter vs margarine: The nation's morning toast has been ruined for decades by kind-hearted women

Taking a sample of middle-aged Australian men who had either experienced a heart attack or ­suffered from angina, half were advised to cut their animal fat intake and replace it with safflower oil (which is similar to sunflower oil) and safflower oil margarine, while the other half continued to eat as normal.

If the unholy alliance of Government nutritionists and the food processing industry were right — and margarine really was better for you, as they've been claiming for decades — you'd expect the men who switched to safflower oil to live longer and have better health outcomes.

The exact opposite turned out to be true. Those who ate more of the safflower-derived products were almost twice as likely to die from all causes, including heart disease.

Suddenly, margarine isn't looking the healthy option that those expensive marketing campaigns claim it to be.

For a start, the once widely accepted wisdom that saturated fats are bad for you — an idea on which so much health advice is founded — is looking increasingly shaky.

So fast is the shift in scientific thinking that there is a growing belief that natural saturated fats — like those contained in dairy and meat, as opposed to those ­contained in marge — may actually turn out to be good for you.

Certainly, these fats have already been identified as key components of cell membranes, essential for the production of ­certain ­hormones and having an important role to play in the transport and absorption of certain vitamins and minerals.

Indeed, earlier this week, a meta-study (a study of studies, if you like) from America, covering almost 350,000 people, came to the sort of shock conclusion that a few years earlier would have made front-page news.

So the good news is that we can carry on eating butter (in moderation, of course) or even start eating it again if we were one of the millions duped into swapping it for unhealthy and unpalatable margarine.

But as we do, our faith in the ­official health agencies that shape our nation's health policies is melting away faster than . . . well, butter off a hot knife.

Good News for Australians!

Woolworths HomeBrand - NZ dairy farmed butter (we suspect it comes from the same manufacturer

as Westgold. ( Woolworths have in fact confirmed in writing that this butter is from grass-fed cows.)

Grass Fed Butter has advantages for your health, totally different to margarine.

Any butter is to be preferred to the likes of margarine.

For other butters in Australia go to

Antioxidants and Free Radicals

Making Informed Decisions


Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol), carotenoids and phenolic compounds (simple phenols such as hydroxytyrosol and complex phenols such as oleuropein) are all antioxidants whose activity has been demonstrated in vitro and recently in vivo, revealing further advantages in the prevention of certain diseases and also of ageing.

The phenolic content of olive oils varies according to the climatic conditions in the producing area, when the olives are harvested and how ripe they are when picked. Oil production and storage methods also have an influence. Phenols have countless biological properties, for instance hydroxytyrosol inhibits platelet aggregation and it is anti-inflammatory and oleuropein encourages the formation of nitric acid, which is a powerful vasodilator and exerts a strong anti-bacterial effect.

Oxidised LDLs are known to be atherogenic, which is where olive oil steps in because it has a beneficial, protective effect against LDL oxidation. Moreover, it also strengthens other cells in the body against the toxic effects of oxidants.

The high antioxidant content of the Mediterranean diet appears to contribute significantly to its effect on longevity.

These antioxidants are found in fresh fruit and vegetables. Because it is the only oil to be obtained from a fruit, olive oil retains a host of substances, antioxidants and vitamins that give it added nutritional value.

The explanation behind this high content of antioxidants is probably that because the olive is a fruit that is exposed to the air, it has to defend itself from oxygen. It therefore synthesises a larger amount of antioxidants, which pass through to the oil.

Virgin olive oil, i.e. olive oil that has not been refined or industrially treated, is particularly rich in these substances and it has a strong antioxidant effect, protecting against damage from free radicals (scavenger activity) and against the formation of cancer.


It is well established that coconut oil is high in antioxidants, sometimes referred to as phytonutrients and helps to prevent free radical damage to the body. This strong antioxidant capacity is primarily due to two particular compounds ferulic acid and p-coumaric acid.

Ferulic acid is found in seeds and leaves and is a major component of fruits and some vegetables. Ferulic acid has a number of different effects on the body. Ferulic acid decreases inflammation and has anti-tumor properties. Ferulic acid also lowers blood glucose levels, which is an advantage for insulin resistant individuals. Next, this compound prevents cell death, which results in a slower aging process.

Ferulic acid also protects the liver during alcohol ingestion by warding off free radicals. Since free radicals are also associated with age-related dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, ferulic acid also has a role in the prevention of these disorders. Ferulic acid can actually reverse nicotine damage in the lungs caused by chronic smoking. Ferulic acid lowers blood pressure by causing dilation of the blood vessels. Finally, ferulic acid inhibits plaque buildup in arteries and improves the lipid profile (lower bad cholesterol, higher good cholesterol).

p-Coumaric acid is the second potent antioxidant contained in coconut oil. This compound is widely found in fruits, vegetables, and tea. p-Coumaric acid effectively lowers LDL cholesterol and prevents plaque buildup in artery walls by reducing platelet stickiness. Furthermore, there is evidence that this compound can combat the HIV virus.

Go to my Low Fat Diets Page for more Facts and Info

about "Low Fats....No Fats" how it actually commenced and who

it originated from. Be Informed!

You will also gain knowledge about the Cholesterol Scare Campaign

and read about a Discovery by a Heart Specialist/Nutritionist.

There are New Discoveries being made by Natural Health Scientists

in this area. I saw a Video by the people's respected Dr Oz some weeks ago by

another Heart Specialist who said he was always concerned that there were

no advances being made with the old school of thought. He then made a

breakthrough discovery for heart patients and health seekers.



Here are two lovely Gifts for You

To Lighten Your Day!

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