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How To Protect Yourself And Family
Nasty Reactions To StatinsMake Sure To Read Feedback Comments
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Make Sure To Read Feedback Comments
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Dangers of Statin Drugs: What You Haven’t Been Told About Cholesterol-Lowering Medicines
Hypercholesterolemia is the health issue of the 21st century. It is actually an invented disease,
a “problem” that emerged when health professionals learned how to measure cholesterol levels in the blood. High cholesterol exhibits no outward signs – unlike other conditions of the blood, such as diabetes or anemia, diseases that manifest telltale symptoms like thirst or weakness – hypercholesterolemia requires the services of a physician to detect its presence. Many people who feel perfectly healthy have high cholesterol – in fact, feeling good is actually a symptom of high cholesterol!
Doctors who treat this new disease must first convince their patients that they are sick and need to take one or more expensive drugs for the rest of their lives, drugs that require regular check-ups and blood tests. But such doctors do not work in a vacuum – their efforts to convert healthy people into patients are bolstered by the full weight of the US government, the media and the medical establishment, agencies that have worked in concert to broadcast the cholesterol dogma and convince the population that high cholesterol is the forerunner of heart disease and possibly other diseases as well.
Who suffers from hypercholesterolemia? Peruse the medical literature of 25 or 30 years ago and you’ll get the following answer: any middle-aged man whose cholesterol is over 240 with other risk factors, such as smoking or overweight. After the Cholesterol Consensus Conference in 1984, the parameters changed; anyone (male or female) with cholesterol over 200 could receive the dreaded diagnosis and a prescription for pills. Recently that number has been moved down to 180. If you have suffered from a heart attack, you get to take cholesterol-lowering medicines even if your cholesterol is already very low – after all, you have committed the sin of having a heart attack so your cholesterol must therefore be too high. The penance is a lifetime of cholesterol-lowering medications along with a boring low-fat diet. Current dogma stipulates cholesterol testing and treatment for young adults and even children.
The drugs that doctors use to treat the new disease are called Statins – sold under a variety of names including Lipitor (atorvastatin), Zocor (simvastatin), Mevacor (lovastatin) and Pravachol (pravastatin)
How Statins Work
The diagram below illustrates the pathways involved in cholesterol production. The process begins with acetyl-CoA, a two-carbon molecule sometimes referred to as the “building block of life.” Three acetyl-CoA molecules combine to form six-carbon hydroxymethyl glutaric acid (HMG). The step from HMG to mevalonate requires an enzyme, HMG-CoA reductase. Statin drugs work by inhibiting this enzyme–hence the formal name of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors. Herein lies one potential for numerous side effects, because statin drugs inhibit not just the production of cholesterol, but a whole family of intermediary substances, many if not all of which have important biochemical functions in their own right.
Possible consequences of taking Statins in strong doses or for a lengthy period of time – depression of mental acuity, anemia, acidosis, frequent fevers and cataracts.
Cholesterol is one of three end products in the mevalonate chain. The two others are ubiquinone and dolichol. Ubiquinone or Co-Enzyme Q10 is a critical cellular nutrient biosynthesized in the mitochondria.
It plays a role in ATP production in the cells and functions as an electron carrier to cytochrome oxidase, our main respiratory enzyme. The heart requires high levels of Co-Q10. A form of Co-Q10 is found in all cell membranes, where it plays a role in maintaining membrane integrity, which is critical to nerve conduction and muscle integrity. Co-Q10 is also vital to the formation of Elastin and Collagen. Side effects of Co-Q10 deficiency include muscle wasting leading to weakness and severe back pain, heart failure (the heart is a muscle!), neuropathy and inflammation of the tendons and ligaments, often leading to rupture.
Dolichols also play a role of immense importance. In the cells they direct various proteins manufactured in response to DNA directives to their proper targets, ensuring that the cells respond correctly to genetically programmed instruction. Thus Statin Drugs can lead to unpredictable chaos on the cellular level.
Squalene, the immediate precursor to cholesterol, is in turn the biochemical precursor to a whole family of steroid hormones; research indicates that squalene inhibits blood vessel formation in tumors, raising the possibility that it may have anti-cancer effects.
The fact that some studies have shown that statins can prevent heart disease, at least in the short term, is most likely explained not by the inhibition of cholesterol production but because they block the creation of mevalonate. Reduced amounts of mevalonate seem to make smooth muscle cells less active and platelets less able to produce thromboxane. Atherosclerosis begins with the growth of smooth muscle cells inside artery walls and thromboxane is necessary for blood clotting.
Cholesterol Synthesis
Of course, Statins inhibit the production of cholesterol – they do this very well. Nowhere is the failure of our medical system more evident than in the wholesale acceptance of cholesterol reduction as a way to prevent disease – have all these doctors forgotten what they learned in Biochemistry 101 about the many roles of cholesterol in the human biochemistry? Every cell membrane in our body contains cholesterol because cholesterol is what makes our cells waterproof–without cholesterol we could not have a different biochemistry on the inside and the outside of the cell. When cholesterol levels are not adequate, the cell membrane becomes leaky or porous, a situation the body interprets as an emergency, releasing a flood of corticoid hormones that work by sequestering cholesterol from one part of the body and transporting it to areas where it is lacking. Cholesterol is the body’s repair substance: scar tissue contains high levels of cholesterol, including scar tissue in the arteries.
Cholesterol is the precursor to vitamin D, necessary for numerous biochemical processes including mineral metabolism. The bile salts, required for the digestion of fat, are made of cholesterol. Those who suffer from low cholesterol often have trouble digesting fats. Cholesterol may also protect us against Cancer as Low Cholesterol levels are associated with increased rates of Cancer.
Cholesterol is vital to proper neurological function. It plays a key role in the formation of memory and the uptake of hormones in the brain, including Serotonin, the body’s feel-good chemical. When cholesterol levels drop too low, the Serotonin Receptors cannot work. Cholesterol is a major component of the brain, much of it in the Myelin Sheaths that insulate Nerve Cells and in the synapses that transmit Nerve Impulses.
Some researchers believe that cholesterol acts as an antioxidant.2 This is the likely explanation for the fact that cholesterol levels tend to go up with age. As an antioxidant, cholesterol protects us against free radical damage that leads to heart disease and cancer.
Finally, cholesterol is the precursor to all the hormones produced in the adrenal cortex including glucocorticoids, which regulate blood sugar levels, and mineralocorticoids, which regulate mineral balance. Corticoids are the cholesterol-based adrenal hormones that the body uses in response to stress of various types; they promote healing and balance the tendency to inflammation. The adrenal cortex also produces sex hormones, including testosterone, estrogen and progesterone, out of cholesterol. Thus, low cholesterol–whether due to an innate error of metabolism or induced by cholesterol-lowering drugs – can be expected to disrupt the production of Adrenal Hormones and lead to blood sugar problems, edema, mineral deficiencies, chronic inflammation, difficulty in healing, allergies, asthma, reduced libido, infertility and various reproductive problems.
Enter the Statins
Statin drugs entered the market with great promise. They replaced a class of pharmaceuticals that lowered cholesterol by preventing its absorption from the gut. These early drugs often had immediate and unpleasant side effects, including nausea, indigestion and constipation, and in the typical patient they lowered cholesterol levels only slightly. Patient compliance was low: the benefit did not seem worth the side effects and the potential for use was very limited. By contrast, Statin drugs had no immediate side effects: they did not cause nausea or indigestion and they were consistently effective, often lowering cholesterol levels by 50 points or more.
During the last 20 years, the industry has mounted an incredible promotional campaign – enlisting scientists, advertising agencies, the media and the medical profession in a blitz that turned the Statins into one of the bestselling pharmaceuticals of all time. Sixteen million Americans now take Lipitor, the most popular Statin, and drug company officials claim that 36 million Americans are candidates for Statin drug therapy.
What bedevils the industry is growing reports of side effects that manifest many months after the commencement of therapy; the November 2003 issue of Smart Money magazine reports on a 1999 study at St. Thomas’ Hospital in London (apparently unpublished), which found that 36 percent of patients on Lipitor’s highest dose reported side effects; even at the lowest dose, 10 percent reported side effects.3
Muscle Pain and Weakness
The most common side effect is muscle pain and weakness, a condition called rhabdomyolysis, most likely due to the depletion of Co-Q10, a nutrient that supports muscle function. Dr. Beatrice Golomb of San Diego, California is currently conducting a series of studies on Statin Side Effects. The industry insists that only 2-3 percent of patients get muscle aches and cramps but in one study, Golomb found that 98 percent of patients taking Lipitor and one-third of the patients taking Mevachor (a lower-dose statin) suffered from muscle problems.4 A message board devoted to Lipitor at (update 09 JUL 2007: A reader alerted us the forum is now defunct) contained more than 800 posts, many detailing severe side effects.
The Lipitor board at contains more than 2,600 posts (click on Message Boards at upper left and then choose Lipitor; also note that as of 09 JUL 2007 there are 3,857 messages)
The test for muscle wasting or rhabdomyolysis is elevated levels of a chemical called creatine kinase (CK).
But many people experience pain and fatigue even though they have normal CK levels.5
Tahoe City resident Doug Peterson developed slurred speech, balance problems and severe fatigue after three years on Lipitor–for the first two-and-one-half years, he had no side effects at all.6 It began with restless sleep patterns – twitching and flailing his arms. Loss of balance followed and the beginning of what Doug calls the “statin shuffle”–a slow, wobbly walk across the room. Fine motor skills suffered next. It took him five minutes to write four words, much of which was illegible. Cognitive function also declined.
It was hard to convince his doctors that Lipitor could be the culprit, but when he finally stopped taking it, his coordination and memory improved.
John Altrocchi took Mevacor for three years without side effects; then he developed calf pain so severe he could hardly walk. He also experienced episodes of temporary memory loss.
For some, however, muscle problems show up shortly after treatment begins. Ed Ontiveros began having muscle problems within 30 days of taking Lipitor. He fell in the bathroom and had trouble getting up. The weakness subsided when he went off Lipitor. In another case, reported in the medical journal Heart, a patient developed rhabdomyolysis after a single dose of a Statin.7 Heel pain from Plantar Fasciitis is another common complaint among those taking Statin drugs. One correspondent reported the onset of pain in their feet shortly after beginning Statin treatment. She had visited an evangelist, requesting that he pray for her sore feet. He enquired whether she was taking Lipitor. When she said yes, he told her that his feet had also hurt when he took Lipitor.8
Active people are much more likely to develop problems from Statin use than those who are sedentary.
In a study carried out in Austria, only six out of 22 athletes with familial hypercholesterolemia were able to endure Statin treatment.9 The others discontinued treatment because of muscle pain.
By the way, other cholesterol-lowering agents besides Statin drugs can cause joint pain and muscle weakness. A report in Southern Medical Journal described muscle pains and weakness in a man who took Chinese red rice, an herbal preparation that lowers cholesterol.10
Anyone suffering from myopathy, fibromyalgia, coordination problems and fatigue needs to look at low cholesterol plus Co-Q10 deficiency as a possible cause.
Polyneuropathy, also known as peripheral neuropathy, is characterized by weakness, tingling and pain in the hands and feet, as well as difficulty walking. Researchers who studied 500,000 residents of Denmark, about 9 percent of that country’s population, found that people who took Statins were more likely to develop polyneuropathy.11 Taking Statins for one year raised the risk of nerve damage by about 15 percent – about one case for every 2,200 patients. For those who took Statins for two or more years, the additional risk rose to 26 percent.
According to the research of Dr. Golomb, nerve problems are a common side effect from statin use; patients who use statins for two or more years are at a 4- to 14-fold increased risk of developing idiopathic polyneuropathy compared to controls.12 She reports that in many cases, patients told her they had complained to their doctors about neurological problems, only to be assured that their symptoms could not be related to cholesterol-lowering medications.
The damage is often irreversible. People who take large doses for a long time may be left with permanent nerve damage, even after they stop taking the drug.
An interesting question is whether widespread Statin-Induced Neuropathy makes our elderly drivers (and even not-so-elderly drivers) more accident prone?
In July of 2003, an 86-year-old driver with an excellent driving record plowed into a farmers market in Santa Monica, California, killing ten people. Several days later, a most interesting letter from a Lake Oswego, Oregon woman appeared in the Washington Post:13
“My husband, at age 68, backed into the garage and stepped on the gas, wrecking a lot of stuff. He said his foot slipped off the brake. He had health problems and is on medication, including a cholesterol drug, which is now known to cause problems with feeling in one’s legs.
“In my little community, older drivers have missed a turn and taken out the end of a music store, the double doors of the post office and the front of a bakery. In Portland, a bank had to do without its drive-up window for some time.
“It is easy to say that one’s foot slipped, but the problem could be lack of sensation. My husband’s sister-in-law thought her car was malfunctioning when it refused to go when a light turned green, until she looked down and saw that her foot was on the brake. I have another friend who mentioned having no feeling in her lower extremities. She thought about having her car retrofitted with hand controls but opted for the handicapped bus instead.”
Heart Failure
We are currently in the midst of a congestive heart failure epidemic in the United States–while the incidence of heart attack has declined slightly, an increase in the number heart failure cases has outpaced these gains. Deaths attributed to heart failure more than doubled from 1989 to 1997.14 (Statins were first given pre-market approval in 1987.) Interference with production of Co-Q10 by statin drugs is the most likely explanation. The heart is a muscle and it cannot work when deprived of Co-Q10.
Cardiologist Peter Langsjoen studied 20 patients with completely normal heart function. After six months on a low dose of 20 mg of Lipitor a day, two-thirds of the patients had abnormalities in the heart’s filling phase, when the muscle fills with blood. According to Langsjoen, this malfunction is due to Co Q10 depletion. Without Co-Q10, the cell’s mitochondria are inhibited from producing energy, leading to muscle pain and weakness. The heart is especially susceptible because it uses so much energy.15
Co-Q10 depletion becomes more and more of a problem as the pharmaceutical industry encourages doctors to lower cholesterol levels in their patients by greater and greater amounts. Fifteen animal studies in six different animal species have documented statin-induced Co-Q10 depletion leading to decreased ATP production, increased injury from heart failure, skeletal muscle injury and increased mortality. Of the nine controlled trials on statin-induced Co-Q10 depletion in humans, eight showed significant Co-Q10 depletion leading to decline in left ventricular function and biochemical imbalances.16
Yet virtually all patients with heart failure are put on statin drugs, even if their cholesterol is already low. Of interest is a recent study indicating that patients with chronic heart failure benefit from having high levels of cholesterol rather than low. Researchers in Hull, UK followed 114 heart failure patients for at least 12 months.17 Survival was 78 percent at 12 months and 56 percent at 36 months. They found that for every point of decrease in serum cholesterol, there was a 36 percent increase in the risk of death within three years.
Dizziness is commonly associated with statin use, possibly due to blood pressure-lowering effects. One woman reported dizziness one half hour after taking Pravachol.18 When she stopped taking it, the dizziness cleared up. Blood pressure lowering has been reported with several statins in published studies. According to Dr. Golumb, who notes that dizziness is a common adverse effect, the elderly may be particularly sensitive to drops in blood pressure.19
Cognitive Impairment
The November 2003 issue of Smart Money20 describes the case of Mike Hope, owner of a successful ophthalmologic supply company: “There’s an awkward silence when you ask Mike Hope his age. He doesn’t change the subject or stammer, or make a silly joke about how he stopped counting at 21. He simply doesn’t remember. Ten seconds pass. Then 20. Finally an answer comes to him. ‘I’m 56,’ he says. Close, but not quite. ‘I will be 56 this year.’ Later, if you happen to ask him about the book he’s reading, you’ll hit another roadblock. He can’t recall the title, the author or the plot.” Statin use since 1998 has caused his speech and memory to fade. He was forced to close his business and went on Social Security ten years early. Things improved when he discontinued Lipitor in 2002, but he is far from complete recovery–he still cannot sustain a conversation.
What Lipitor did was turn Mike Hope into an old man when he was in the prime of life.
Cases like Mike’s have shown up in the medical literature as well. An article in Pharmacotherapy, December 2003, for example, reports two cases of cognitive impairment associated with Lipitor and Zocor.21 Both patients suffered progressive cognitive decline that reversed completely within a month after discontinuation of the statins. A study conducted at the University of Pittsburgh showed that patients treated with statins for six months compared poorly with patients on a placebo in solving complex mazes, psychomotor skills and memory tests.22
Dr. Golomb has found that 15 percent of statin patients develop some cognitive side effects.23 The most harrowing involve global transient amnesia–complete memory loss for a brief or lengthy period–described by former astronaut Duane Graveline in his book Lipitor: Thief of Memory.24 Sufferers report baffling incidents involving complete loss of memory–arriving at a store and not remembering why they are there, unable to remember their name or the names of their loved ones, unable to find their way home in the car. These episodes occur suddenly and disappear just as suddenly. Graveline points out that we are all at risk when the general public is taking Statins – do you want to be in an airplane when your pilot develops Statin-induced amnesia?
Statins seem to cause a range of cognitive problems, especially elderly patients. Two randomized trials that were designed to assess cognitive effects of statins have shown worsening in cognitive function. In addition, several case reports and one large case series (involving 60 patients) have reported deleterious cognitive effects of statins on memory and cognitive function.25
In every study with rodents to date, statins have caused cancer.26 Why have we not seen such a dramatic correlation in human studies? Because cancer takes a long time to develop and most of the statin trials do not go on longer than two or three years. Still, in one trial, the CARE trial, breast cancer rates of those taking a statin went up 1500 percent.27 In the Heart Protection Study, non-melanoma skin cancer occurred in 243 patients treated with simvastatin (a total of 10,269) compared with 202 cases in the control group (a total of 10,267).28
Manufacturers of Statin Drugs have recognized the fact that Statins depress the Immune System, an effect that can lead to Cancer and infectious disease, recommending Statin use for inflammatory arthritis and as an Immune Suppressor for transplant patients.29
The medical literature contains several reports of pancreatitis in patients taking statins. One paper describes the case of a 49-year-old woman who was admitted to the hospital with diarrhea and septic shock one month after beginning treatment with Lovastatin. She died after prolonged hospitalization; the cause of death was necrotizing pancreatitis. Her doctors noted that the patient had no evidence of common risk factors for acute pancreatitis, such as biliary tract disease or alcohol use. “Prescribers of Statins (particularly Simvastatin and Lovastatin) should take into account the possibility of acute pancreatitis in patients who develop abdominal pain within the first weeks of treatment with these drugs,” they warned. By contrast, a review of published case studies found that pancreatitis was more likely to occur after many months of Statin use.30
Several studies have noted a correlation of Low Cholesterol with depression, suicide and violence. For example, a study of over 29,000 men in Finland found that Low Cholesterol levels were associated with an increased risk of hospitalization due to depression and of death from suicide.31 Another study found that women with Low Cholesterol are twice as likely to suffer from depression and anxiety. Researchers from Duke University Medical Center carried out personality trait measurements on 121 young women aged 18 to 27.32 They found that 39 percent of the women with Low Cholesterol levels scored high on personality traits that signalled proneness to depression, compared to 19 percent of women with normal or high levels of cholesterol. In addition, one in three of the women with low cholesterol levels scored high on anxiety indicators, compared to 21 percent with normal levels. Yet the author of the study, Dr. Edward Suarez, cautioned women with low cholesterol against eating “foods such as cream cakes” to raise cholesterol, warning that these types of food “can cause heart disease.”
In previous studies on men, Dr. Suarez found that men who lower their cholesterol levels with medication have increased rates of suicide and violent death, leading the researchers to theorize “that low cholesterol levels were causing mood disturbances.”
How many elderly statin-takers eke through their golden years feeling miserable and depressed, when they should be enjoying their grandchildren and looking back with pride on their accomplishments? But that is the new dogma – you may have a long life as long as it is experienced as a vale of tears.
Any Benefits?
Most doctors are convinced–and seek to convince their patients – that the benefits of Statin drugs far outweigh the side effects. They can cite a number of studies in which statin use has lowered the number of coronary deaths compared to controls. But as Dr. Ravnskov has pointed out in his book The Cholesterol Myths,33 the results of the major studies up to the year 2000–the 4S, WOSCOPS, CARE, AFCAPS and LIPID studies–generally showed only small differences and these differences were often statistically insignificant and independent of the amount of cholesterol lowering achieved. In two studies, EXCEL and FACAPT/TexCAPS, more deaths occurred in the treatment group compared to controls. Dr. Ravnskov’s 1992 meta-analysis of 26 controlled cholesterol-lowering trials found an equal number of cardiovascular deaths in the treatment and control groups and a greater number of total deaths in the treatment groups.34 An analysis of all the big controlled trials reported before 2000 found that long-term use of Statins for primary prevention of heart disease produced a 1 percent greater risk of death over 10 years compared to a placebo.35
Recently published studies do not provide any more justification for the current campaign to put as many people as possible on Statin drugs.
Triglycerides are a fat that comes from eating too many Carbs.
Eat a nutrient dense diet, much less carbs and everything will normalize.
If you have high cholesterol, diet and exercise, don’t feed these drug companies all those
$$$$$ to have you end up like this or worse.
My mom and his mom had similar problems with those 2 drugs and came off of it with no PD,
the leg pains did stay but not as bad as in the beginning when they first took those horrible
Read up all the pros and cons of drugs and don’t trust the MDs, they are in cohoots with the
drug companies. There are some ethical MDs, there are, you just have to search for them. (Kathy)
Several months ago I found myself standing in the street at 3am. I was on Statin meds and quit taking them. My Dr. said he “Finds that hard to believe” and got angry when I said I will not take them. He wrote in his report a few things that made me look like a nut case. He said I needed the Statins and was not happy with me. Has anyone else had this happen? I also had horrible nightmares where I found myself hitting my pet during sleep! I love my pet! I would never hurt him! My granddaughter witnessed some of these episodes. (Mara)
I was given Lipitor and had to stop taking it because I had horrible nightmares, even dreams of family and friends that are dead, panic attacks in my sleep and felt like I was dying and actually wishing I would.
I would wake up from sleeping with an elevated heartbeat and terrible anxiety as well. I also didn’t want to do anything or go anywhere due to anxiety at these times. Even had all the muscle aches etc. I was feeling like I was slowly dying. My dr. Also thought I was crazy with these symptoms. Well I am not crazy and these side effects were very real and very terrifying. Then Zetia was given to me and my experience wasn’t much different than with Lipitor. My total cholesterol is 255 currently and he has told me to take Red Yeast Rice working up to 4 a day and CoQ10. I have been taking only 2 a day and am really thinking of stopping that as well because I have taken it before and after a time it stopped working. (Dawn)
I took red yeast rice for a while and developed the same muscle deterioration and pain as I did when taking Statins. So I did my research about that and discovered that Red Yeast Rice contains Monacolin K — which is the same chemical structure as the Statin drug Lovastatin. I promptly quit taking the rice. And after already trying Lipitor which caused muscle damage and collapse, especially in my legs to the point that I could not walk. It was quite horrible to fall due to injured muscles. I stopped the Statins. So now I take no drugs or supplements for so-called high cholesterol. Every doctor I’ve seen has the attitude of either not believing my story or saying “oh, it couldn’t have been that bad. Here, try this drug.” And I REFUSE to take any more Statins. . I am not worried about it. I will control my diet as best I can. (Nance)
I have been told by Cardiologist that I have to take Statin medication for the rest of my life after a Stent Implant. I told him of all my side effects, including massive hair loss, but he said Statin medication has nothing to do with what I am experiencing. I insisted and he practically shut me down by leaving the room and then commented to the nurse in the hallway that I had an attitude problem! No doctor wants to admit that Statins have serious side effects….he’s not the first doctor to tell me that. (Carolina)
I was given Lipitor for four years with extreme side effects of muscle pain and bouts of chills like I was in a deep freeze. The Cardiologist switched me to Crestor for the past six years. Last year, I began suffering with increasing muscular pains, joint pains, numbness in my feet, poor sleep, memory lapses, severe attacks of dizziness, extreme tiredness, chest pains and rapid heartbeat. After a few changes in medicines, leading to no improvement, the Cardiologist finally decided to stop Crestor and Spiractan four days ago. Miracle of miracles, I am feeling almost back to normal. The dizziness and extreme tiredness more or less vanished. The muscle and joint aches, etc have reduced significantly. I hope to go through a detoxification of my liver to eradicate the chemical residue of their toxic drugs from my system. (Marlene)
Very interesting article. I went to an MD a few years ago and after a routine check-up my cholesterol was 110, he wanted to get me started on Statins right away. I declined and he said I was at risk for having a heart attack. He said now “they” have lowered the bar to >100 at risk. Wow. I’m so glad I keep up with my reading and didn’t take the drug. I feel very concerned about folks who fall for this Statin craze and end up with irreversible injuries and endure so much suffering for nothing. I have at the moment two friends suffering from severe side effects and muscle damage, one might not be able to work again.
My husband, who has Parkinson’s Disease for the past 7 yrs., he is now 63, had the tremors
start a couple of days after stopping Crestor for high cholesterol.
He first took Lipitor prescribed by our Dr. and ended with terrible back and leg pains.
He stopped taking it on his own and after a couple of weeks felt better. Then after a
checkup and telling the Dr. what happened he was prescribed Crestor and the same thing
happened with the muscle problems, he stopped it and a couple of days later tremors in his
right pinkie finger, then the arm had tremors and then the arm and leg on the right side.
He was diagnosed with PD. (Kathy)
I was on Statins for about 4 years. During that time, I developed, and was diagnosed with, Rheumatoid arthritis. This of course led to more drugs to take care of the arthritis. I finally said enough and took myself off the “meds”. The arthritis suddenly cured itself!
My elderly mother was also given Statins. She developed severe muscle pains, dizziness, mental fog, and finally – had an episode where we thought she’d had a stroke, but turned out was a side effect of the Statin. She was unable to talk, could not use her arms or hands, had trouble standing and walking. I took her off the Statin and everything improved! Unfortunately, she has permanent nerve damage in her left hand and does not have the full use of it, even after 6 months of being off the drug.
I would NEVER recommend anyone to take these drugs. (Brenda)
I have been on some form of Statins for 18 years. September 2, 1998. I had triple bypass surgery. Don’t know what my cholesterol was before Surgery. But in the early 70s. My dad died with blocked arteries. 1984 my sister died on the operating table with blocked arteries and veins were too small. Dr. said history of this kind is not good I should be on a Statin. I am taking Lovastatin now 20 mg one pill a day two years ago I was taking two pills 40 mg a day begin to have dizzy problems and some shoulder and leg problems. Talked to the doctor and now only take one. It’s a little bit better but would like to get off completely I’m early 70s. I’m not one to give anyone advice. (James)
I have not seen any mention of Vitamin K2 or MK7 to be exact. Would that along with Vitamin D3 and C not clear out your arteries and make them more elastic and flexible? At least that is what I would try before being bullied into drugs. (Ralf)
Most interesting dialogs! The main issue centers around the understanding that
cholesterol levels are politically tainted…what I dislike is a capitalist system with dominance
towards earnings, yet not before long they were our saviors, live and let live and heal
with conscience in place. I do not think that earnings are evil, they are certainly needed…
but how silly can the modern person truly be. We know of lobbying masters who earn high pensions
while the rest of us suffer…the physicians now also high power money people…Gods without saints…
yet most of them have still courage and tell us the truth…Well, we are all living much longer because of “Big Pharma” and love them…but stop exploitation now, the people will
rebel sooner or later. I am living because I was given the correct drugs…now one year after
my heart decided to quit. Inform yourselves and tell others…if you are not a scientist
you can become one if you have common sense and logic, comparing that what you are being told
with that what other scientists : Auld Lang Syne..for me!!
(Dr. Olaf E. Simon)
Currently taking Avortstation 3 times week. Started getting vertigo about 8 months ago… anyone else have this problem? (Julie)
YES, I was so dizzy and mindless and in pain, I knew there was something seriously wrong. I had trouble remembering my home address. I stopped the Statin and started to feel better the dizzyness stopped.
Do I think it was the Statin medication? Yes for sure. (Diane)
I am surprised that this article does not cover the very prevalent side effect of thrombosis. Statins and cholesterol-lowering shots cause strokes, as can be learned even from the NIH and many medical abstracts, both domestic studies and internationally. (Craig)
I’m 41 and I had a heart attack 3 months ago due to a blood clot. One stent was placed. They have me on Atorvastatin and tell me I have to take it for life “just in case”. My cholesterol wasn’t high even at the time of the attack and my diet has changed considerably since then….plus I’ve lost 20 pounds!
I feel like I’m 90 years old! Everything is an effort. I’m tired even after a full night’s rest and just want to go back to bed for the day. My muscles ache constantly and my mind feels like it’s in a fog. I told my nurse from the cardiac rehabilitation program that I want off this Statin and she said “if we can reduce the side-effects, would you still take it”…sounded rehearsed. I told her no I would not and she asked why. I replied “I don’t want to take a pill on the basis of “just in case” when I can control my cholesterol with my diet and daily half hour exercise”.
These doctors and nurses don’t even want to allow a patent a chance to correct things naturally….all that’s important is that you don’t go off their Statin under any circumstances! Makes me highly suspicious. It’s all about money, it seems to me. I wonder if these doctors get financial bonuses from the drug company for every patient who takes a Statin!
My body is telling me it doesn’t like this drug and I will take matters into my own hands, if necessary. No doctor is going to destroy my body so he can drive a Mercedes! My muscles ache daily and when I walk, if feels as though I’m walking against a strong wind…so much effort. I’m not as mentally sharp as I was before either. Can’t remember stuff and have to write everything down. (Lynn)
I’m 51, also had a heart attack 3 weeks ago and had a stent put in one of my arteries. I was put on Statins, Rosuvistatin 20 mg. and like you, told I would have to take these for life. after 1 week. I was so confused, waking up not knowing where I was for a minute. My legs and back ached. So I told my doctor I wasn’t going to take them anymore. She was disgusted, basically told me I was a fool, and that they would save my life. mmm. Well after all I’ve read about Statins, I think my quitting smoking, and healthy diet and exercise will save my life before any Statin does! (Karen)
They often get “perks” from the Pharmaceutical companies. I was chatting with a young lady on a plane whose husband was a medical intern. She was saying how these companies wined and dined them and they received perks. She didn’t think this was right, but it was part of the medical culture. (Alee)
They don’t earn money but perks is right! Trips, gifts, etc. It’s a big business believe me. (Darleffel)
I am a 72 year old woman. I have been physically active all my life. When my Doc told me because of my blood cholesterol and glucose results this June 2017, “I really want you to take a Statin”. He then prescribed Lipitor for me. I felt ok for a few days, then my legs ached so badly at night that I could not sleep. He then told me he would prescribe a different Statin. I took this new Statin and after a few weeks, I began having the same problems as I had before. I called and left a message that I didn’t want to take Statins anymore. He told me to come in to talk about it. I made an appointment, then I canceled it and told him I would no longer take any Statin, and “I mean it”. I may try to find a different MD. If I die of a heart attack or stroke, so be it. Yes, quality of life is more important to me then longer years in pain and agony. (Jeanette)
About fifteen years ago my mother informed me she was suffering from the inability to raise her arms above her head because of her shoulder pain. Also she was having panic attacks regularly. I also had a friend who had such severe back pain…she thought it was her mattress, so bought a new therapeutic one (didn’t solve the problem), and yet another friend who was having massive anxiety attacks. These two friends were both on statin drugs and when they quit taking them, the problems went away. So when my mother told me of her problems, a light went on in my head and I asked her if she was taking a Statin drug. She was. So I began reading up on it and convinced her to get off them. She did (although my sister was furious and said if our mother had a stroke it was my fault). Her shoulder pain went away as did her anxiety attacks. Unfortunately, she has severe leg and foot neuropathy which is apparently irreversible. We are sure that is a result of those awful Statin Drugs. I wouldn’t touch one of those, no matter what any doctors said.
By the way, my mother is 92 and has not had a stroke. (Carol)
I am 69 and been on Statin and Asprin regiment for over 35 years. This year I developed macular degeneration in both eyes. Almost losing my vision. I have been receiving Avastin injections monthly which have some what helped. I ran out of my Statin and in 3 weeks my vision totally cleared up. I have cut my Statin use in half take vitamin k and stopped my Asprin intake. (R kaluza)
I was diagnosed with a 90% blockage in my left artery. Now the Dr’s want to install a stent with all the above medications. I do not want to do it. Any other choices? LINDA
Yes, permission. People have it in their heads that they need to ask their physicians’s permission for everything instead of taking responsibility/control over their own health and body. Cholesterol is good for you since 25-30% of it resides in your brain; and people wonder why they have cognitive issues that get worse the longer you take it. Dr. Dwight Lundell, a renowned cardiovascular surgeon clearly said cholesterol is NOT the problem, it’s inflammation due to people’s diet, ESPECIALLY the intake of a lot of sugar. The man has seen the insides of over 5,000 arteries in the course of his career. He risked his career and ultimately his medical licensure because he wrote a book called “The Cure for Heart Disease.” (Patricia)
I have been taking Pravastatin for several years. I changed pharmacy and they gave me Dr Reddys Pravastatin. I did not take it until I called and was told it my dosage and it just a different manufacturer. Sooo
I started taking it. Within 5 or 6 days my world fell apart. Horrible aches All over. Pain, nausea, loss of appetite, weak, low potassium, liver enzymes up. My urine was so dark. That started about May 10th. I am just beginning to feel like myself. A new symptom is Planters Fasciitis!! It is now June 17th. In all of this time I have read such horrible reviews on this drug and the many recalls that I cannot believe they are still allowed to sell their poison! I contacted the food and drug administration and filed a report .
I also sent a letter to the company! It has been s horrible experience for me. I am a retired teacher, 65 years old and I have enough energy to put A 25 year old to shame! I have had to miss time with my beautiful grandchildren because of someone’s poor practices!! More than any feeling I am angry! (Carm)
Thank you for your information. I stopped my Statin 3days ago and already have seen an improvement in my health. I took Crestor for many years and continued to report my severe leg pain and burning during the night but was told there was nothing wrong. I changed Doctors and the new doctor prescribed Atorvastatin. I have taken this drug for almost 4years, but recently have begun to display difficultly with tingling and burning sensations in my leg. I stopped this drug 3 days.. There was improvement within the first 48hours. I now have more energy and am able to sleep better at night. How does any Doctor really know what your cholesterol level is?????? (Lynne)
My mother was recently diagnosed with ALS having had to stop working due to hand and arm weakness. As soon as her Neurologist provided the diagnosis, her family Physician took her off her Statins, which she had taken for ~ 10years. Coincidence? (Rach)
I took my 94 year old mother to a Functional Medicine Doctor.
After a thorough exam and tests that her geriatric doctor never heard of, she was copper deficient with an underachieve thyroid. Without drugs, he suggested several supplements including a copper supplement. After 6 months, total cholesterol dropped 19%, HDL increased and LDL decreased. It’s been shown that low can cause copper levels the liver to produce excessive Cholesterol.
I have to stress Functional Medicine Doctors. They treat the root cause and not the symptoms. (Sam)
Lucky me .. I read the Weston Price report years ago, when a ‘doctor’ was trying to force me to take them.
I took a copy of this report to show her what i had learned. Bottom line, she read one line and threw the papers at me!
My present doctor fully understands where i am coming from. Bottom line, I refused to take the CRAP, and wouldn’t swallow one for a million dollars! Thank you Weston Price. You saved my life! (Helen)
I’m wondering if anyone here has actually tried Policosanol as an apparently Natural and Risk Free Alternative to Statins. Reading over the Scientific Studies I get the impression that early Policosanol studies were quite positive but that at some point the human trials, especially in the US and Europe, may have been been corrupted by Big Money. My cardiologist just prescribed Lipitor but after reading this I’m even less inclined to start taking it! (Frank)
Good for you to research, and think for yourself, Frank! I think the biggest take-away of this article is: “high cholesterol” is not usually the issue that the medical industry makes it out to be, and it is up to us to know when it really is, and then what Non-Chemical means we might employ to bring it into an honestly healthy range. (Maureen)
Cayenne is very effective at dissolving plague. My husband takes cayenne capsules twice daily, between meals.
Two months of taking the statin. I have back pain and shoulder muscle pain. I thought it was just that I turned 50. Not sure now. Is it more likely the pills?
Statins induce skeletal muscle toxicity. impaired vulnerable skeletal muscle by inducing different level of reactive oxygen species (ROS).
deltoid biopsies from patients with Statin-Induced Muscular Myopathy, oxidative capacities were decreased together with ROS increase and a collapse of PGC-1 mRNA expression.
Quercetin, an antioxidant molecule, was able to counteract skeletal muscle deleterious effects of Statins.
STATINS can also exert adverse effects, mostly affecting skeletal muscle, ranging from Mild Myalgia to rhabdomyolysis, [Deadly Kidney Failure]. Gia
Thank you for giving me further resolve not to take Statins. My total cholesterol is 275 but with high HDL of 70. At 66 no health problems with high blood pressure or over weight. I’ll stay the course.
One doctor decided to hit it hard with five different pills at once. All various pills they keep making me nervous, weak, my legs felt like they would collapse, and my heart felt like it was churning in my chest. They suggested we move to aother pill(s). My heart doctor sent me to a doctor who studies cholesterol and made me promise if he found ANY blockage……… (Dev)
Extensive, deep review
****** T H A N K S !
I took statins for two years until I could hardly walk. I refuse to take them. The MD is not happy as I have high cholesterol and everyone in our family does. I exercise and eat healthy so if I drop dead that’s fine. My choice!! (Christine)