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For Shingles Rash

Here are a few comments I have read recently

when researching this condition again.

I am 55 years old and first time credit card size rash showed up on upper arm near elbow.

I knew it must be shingles. It is - blisters, redness, pain. I noticed on the Net that many people applauded ACV. So, I went home and applied a cotton swab with ACV. Only put it on for a minute. The next day the blisters are subsiding and the rash is going away.

I was in extreme pain and desperate. I had raw Unpasturized Apple Cider Vinegar and drank 30 ml to start with and immediately the stabbing pain got better. I was able to sleep. I used it every 4 hours but did reduce the dose. I added Lysine. I have been able to sleep and have not used anything else for pain control. I did start on an anti-viral 12 hours later. I have continued to use the ACV every 4 hours for pain control. I use it locally and take 1 TBS daily.

Let me tell you all that this remedy of apple cider vinegar truly does work fast on these painful shingles. I have swabbed these critters with Apple Cider Vinegar for the past 24 hours, once every 4 hours, and let me tell you that two have almost disappeared and one shrunk to half its size . I'm very happy with this folk remedy and just sorry I had not known this before.

An inexpensive formula that is common all over the world truly works wonders.

I've just put this on my shingles on my face, it burned a little for 10 minutes and then the spots went white- PAIN GONE!!! I have suffered shingles on and off for 20 years. It has really worked for me!

I contracted shingles 1 week after taking Super Collagen C (Peptides 1 & 3) one tablet a day. So pleased I did not take the 6 tablets recommended. It is far better to build your collagen levels naturally. Have never had shingles before. Please do be careful!

When I think about it, other collagen is different to ours and could be taken as a foreign

substance in our system. There are a number of other reactions reported from these supplements. I was tired at the time I bought them and would have researched it more thoroughly. It can have a toxic effect.

This has been working for me. The spots went white in the evening and overnight they settled.

They were no longer white when I woke up. I just caught them before the blister stage

(one had broken). 4 doses of an Anti-Viral from GP/MD really flared things up much worse (seemed to spread it and accentuated it).

I immediately stopped the Anti-Viral, had a night's rest, commenced using

a good quality ACV (apple cider vinegar unfiltered) on the rash topically and Oil of Oregano

capsules (internally) I had on hand. The next day I bought some Olive Leaf Extract and Manuka Honey.......the Lysine tablets that are an absolute must if you have shingles.

I am following this up with Vitamin B Complex and more sleep. (Janet)

Update: A diet high in Arginine foods and researching late nights to the early hours of

the morning also precipitated the condition of shingles for me, I feel, as my usually

strong immune system was compromised through sleep deprivation.

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Feb 24, 2014 - If you’ve been looking for the perfect skin cream for dry, itchy eczema, then consider topical vitamin B12. Scientists believe that the nitric oxide-inhibiting properties of vitamin B12

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