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Mind - Emotions and Health Conditions

It has now been discovered that the way we think and feel much of the time,

can and does impact our health for good and not so good. So in the interest

of better health and happy dispositions, I am writing these things,

so you can be aware of them.

Fear, conflict and un-forgiveness show up in cancer. Bitterness and anger show up in the liver or gallbladder. Worry and anxiety show up in allergies,digestive and gut disorders. Hate and resentment show up in arthritis and inflammation. Negativity shows up in poor quality health. Each one of these can lead to a host of different maladies and mental disorders – yes, they create chemical imbalances along with a poor diet. Stress, allowed to go by unmanaged is the biggest, most common threat to most people’s health.

So we need to work with our attitudes, quality of our thoughts……….managing our diet and stress levels to gain or maintain good health.

Most people don’t avail themselves of enough sleep and exercise. Sunshine and fresh-air. Affording yourself more of these can improve your health significantly.

Don’t underestimate the benefits from our Creator and Nature – the most overlooked promoter of good physical and mental health in this rushed and busy generation. On a regular basis, you need to foster a special environment – some nature spot – to nourish your mind and emotions, bring fresh air into your body and lift your temperament. We all need this visual reminder of our Creator on a regular basis that will strengthen our spirit against so much exposure to stressful times.

Just something like bearing grudges often enough sets off stress signals in our bodies, that in time have to affect our health somehow, either physically or mentally. So try to practice kindness to yourself and the other person and let this pay dividends to your health. Most times, grudges come about by perceiving things wrongly, letting our imagination work overtime, misinterpreting the other person or failing to make allowances. Besides, it takes up so much energy, that could be better spent, keeping our mental real-estate more

peaceful and happier.

Having said that, some of us do need to acquire the skills of making boundaries, when someone (a family member or friend) keeps offending. This can be stressful I know. We need to work at communications in those situations – especially with family members because they are permanent. And some of us would do well to choose our friends better and make

a few amendments.

Also, some of us do ourselves no favors with self-imposed obligations like “this person really needs me”……or……”what would they do without me?”……or……”I can’t say this or that to them, they would be very upset”. If you practice love for the other person, fine…….but if you don’t practice love for yourself, not so fine. Some of you need to remember these things in your considerations. Some of you do not have the ability to say “no” and you need to acquire that because nothing is worth the threat to your health that can be over time. I wish you well.


Stress as a trigger of autoimmune disease.

Many retrospective studies found that a high proportion (up to 80%) of patients reported uncommon emotional stress before disease onset. Not only does stress cause disease, but the disease itself also causes significant stress in the patients, creating a vicious cycle. It is presumed that the stress-triggered neuroendocrine hormones lead to immune dysregulation, whichultimately

management and behavioral intervention to prevent stress-related immune imbalance.

It’s important to take a holistic and comprehensive approach in order to find the best treatment and lifestyle options. This includes finding a practitioner who will address the mental, emotional, and spiritual components of your health.

The people in your life have the best intentions when offering advice but until you thoroughly understand how YOUR body works, it’ll be difficult to find the ideal treatment approach that could change YOUR life.

The types of food, exercise, supplements and lifestyle choices you need are unique. Part of this discovery will be on a trial-and-error basis. But your needs will become clear as you work closely with your health care provider over time.

Move your body

Moving your body is an essential component of treating any chronic health issue.

It increases blood flow to the tissues, allowing for more toxins to be released, and brings essential nutrients to the organs that need it most.

Some of the best forms of exercise are nourishing and gentle such as: walking, yoga, stretching, swimming or even pulling weeds.

Strive to reduce stress

Life-long, chronic stress has a profoundly negative impact on autoimmune disease because it significantly reduces your body’s ability to heal itself.

When you’re in a constant state of “fight or flight” you cannot detoxify, heal, metabolize properly, or utilize your immune systems to full capacity.

Many of us are under so much constant daily stress that we hardly recognize it anymore. And, sometimes, the chronic stress is unrecognizable and may be subconscious (such as negative thoughts, unresolved emotional traumas or toxicity found in our workplaces, community, and relationships).

Deep breathing, yoga, meditation, journaling, prayer, practicing gratitude, playing outside and sharing good conversation with friends are all great ways to reduce stress in your life.

Learning to love ourselves can be one of the most challenging components of health. But working to create emotional peace, and practicing self-compassion and self-love is powerful.

According to Louise Hay, the go-to guru for the connection between illness and emotion, many people with autoimmune diseases have, deep within their bodies, some kind of destructive message that needs to be revealed and transformed.

In my eyes, this destructive message correlates very deeply to your disease. Autoimmune disease is essentially your physical body betraying you (by attacking you). Part of the underlying emotional healing that needs to take place is releasing your own self-betrayal.


Many people with autoimmune disease are relieved to know that they have a tremendous amount of power when it comes to their health. There are many options, in addition to or instead of, a prescription medication regimen.

It’s often the overlooked, unconventional things that can turn the tides toward healing

in your life.

Every woman deserves to feel fully alive and at peace in her body.

Your physical challenges are often great gifts which, when opened, provide the opportunity for tremendous personal and spiritual growth.

Many blessings to you as you continue on your journey to renewed health.

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