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The effect of Negative Words on our Health

Updated: Jan 22, 2024

Our words can lift us up or weigh us down. So can the words of others – like second hand smoke. You're not the one smoking but you still

get the effects of it.

Some of us know that the words of others can weigh you down but fail to realize the power of their own words. They can lift you up just like a happy person can. Yes, you can cheer yourself with the words you speak if you choose them wisely.

Wrong Use Of Words

The power of negative words on our health has now been discovered by Neuro-Psychologists. Even Neuroscientists have found that the words we speak can effect us physically for good and not so good. And just like the Bible (not religion, but a handbook for life) said the earth was round before Christopher Columbus discovered it, there was a bible proverb that says “we eat the fruit of our words”.....that is to say, from our negative words there is bitter fruit; from words of strong emotions there is sour fruit; from our healthy words there is sweet fruit. Yes, from the words we speak, there can be wholesome or luscious fruit_ just like the words of others to our hearing.

Have you ever found that negative or unhealthy words of someone over a length of time can wear you down – mentally, physically or emotionally, even all three? Yes, even to the point of 'burn out' a type of exhaustion or adrenal fatigue. Even words at the moment, can be upsetting or depressing. What impact does all this have on our health? Neuro-psychologists and Neuroscientists say it does, just like our Creator said through His inspired Word.

So it is good to help ourselves to a good serving of fruit each day, with the words of ourselves and others and dispense of the not so good before it reaches our mouths or our ears. Sometimes this is not altogether possible with the words of others, so we need to 'guard our hearts' when they speak; set boundaries if we can or maybe limit the amount of how much we hear. It is good in these cases to compensate with the words we hear ourselves speaking; to meditate on happy and wholesome things and balance their company with more cheerful company. Sometimes we can change the course of conversation with someone and guide their thoughts with better words we can speak. Yes, we can make them happy instead of sad or show them that we like to engage in better conversation where the input is more positive.

Some people have an appetite for unhealthy conversation – even spreading it. For our health's sake, we need to avoid these people, like a restaurant that serves bad food. You would not go back there again, would you? Yet we put up with people so often in the name of good manners. On the other hand, many people are genuinely stressed these days and most of us have times where we are upset. So it's good to show compassion. When doing this, make sure that you've set guidelines for yourself how much you can take. This is good for the other person as well as yourself because we don't want to be helping them to dig a grave for themselves – so to speak – where they feel just as bad after confiding or even worse.

Yes, when someone chooses to confide in you, it's good to know they feel better for it and you're not the worse for wear. It's good to have a listening ear, make sure this is beneficial and that you compensate for this afterwards. Don't by any means tolerate boundary violators_ they're not happy unless they get other people down. They need to learn a lesson.

There is a Bible character by the name of David who was referred to as “a man after God's heart” because he was closely acquainted with Him. David seldom confided in man but verbally confided in God's listening ears, leaving his cares and concerns to Him.

When doing this, he would also verbally praise God and magnify Him as greater than his situation and able to meet his need. No wonder the name David means 'God's beloved' …..imagine how He would have loved his prayers!

David also used to “encourage himself in God”. He used to say to himself things like

“I will praise God, I will bless His name” that is to speak well of and make Him feel good (while he did this his mind would not be on his problems) and many times he is recorded for saying “the steadfast Love of God endures forever......great is His unfailing Love......and..... His Loving Mercies are new every morning”. He would meditate on the wonders of Creation and sing to God (and himself) of His excellent ways. One could rightly say that he knew the power of words and he most certainly practiced the God-given power of choice.

We can also bring cheer to our spirit by making wise choices like this man......hey? There's some really good principles there that the life coaches of today don't teach us. I've practiced these myself by bouncing out of bed singing a joyful song when I woke up with something bothering me. So I know it works because my day was a brighter day. I have even

changed a day mid-course (when something disturbed or upset me) this way. You can visit my inspirational website if you wish, that is filled with pleasant poems about nature and God and nature like Helen Steiner Rice wrote and some really good sayings by different writers. People love them! It gives them nice things to think about with lots of beautiful pictures.

I don't like to settle for “this isn't my day” like we often do because that is like putting in your order for more. Don't concede defeat any time, why not make God your friend like David?

We need to uncloak characters like these from religion and benefit from their example. Yes, I don't have any religious persuasion but I do have time for Jesus because I have found Him to be real.

Let family and friends know your comfort zone. There is nothing wrong with this. And we need to respect other's comfort zones. When was the last time our words were not beneficial?

I've written this article for you while inspired to do so, and chose to make it

the first post for a new blog on this Site. I did not have one before.

More comments welcome. Thank you for your input.

"Wishing you all a good day or evening!"

TAGS: Negative Words Weigh Us Down, We Can Speak Uplifting Words, Guarding Our Health, A Good Way To Live

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